The Spanish young adults of Holy Rosary Cathedral visited the Benedictine Westminster Abbey in Mission for a retreat with Father Pablo Santa Maria.

The new young adults group at Saint Mary’s Parish in Vancouver attracted dozens of Catholics in their 20s and 30s to its first meeting at the beginning of July.  Father Joseph D’Souza, OP, gave a talk, which was followed by small group discussions. 

Pedalheads summer bike camps are running at St. James Church in Abbotsford this summer.  In the photo, instructor Julia checks out a bike for Caleb, one of the camp goers.

Chinese Catholics from around the archdiocese gathered at St. Francis Xavier Church in Vancouver for the World Day of Prayer for the Church in China. 

St. Matthew’s Parish in Surrey celebrated the opening of it’s St. Joseph Prayer Garden on June 29. Left to right: Deacon Steve Potusek, Father Tien Tran in front of a statue of St. Joseph holding the Child Jesus. (Veronika Luňáková Photo)

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