Three days after the journey to see the Bishop of Bayeux, Therese started the journey to Rome with her father Louis, her sister Celine, and a group of pilgrims.

The journey began Nov. 4, 1887. They went to Paris, and Therese’s favorite place there was the shrine of Our Lady of Victories. She knew that it was really Our Lady who had smiled on her and cured her when she was 10.

On their way into Italy they passed through Switzerland. For Therese, the beautiful scenery of nature was a foretaste of the wonders of heaven, reminding her of the greatness and majesty of God.

The pilgrims went to Milan, Venice, Padua, Bologna, and Loreto. Therese was happy to visit the Holy House at Loreto, which legend says is the house the Holy Family lived in, transported from Nazareth by angels during the Crusades. She wrote, “I was overwhelmed with emotion when I realized that I was under the very roof that had sheltered the Holy Family.” Therese and Celine attended Mass at the Holy House and had the great joy of receiving Holy Communion.

The highlight of the pilgrimage was Rome. They went to the Coliseum, where Therese and Celine rushed toward the arena to a particular stone marked with a cross. It was the place where the martyrs had fought the good fight. The two girls knelt down and prayed.

From the Coliseum they went to the Catacombs, and there Therese and Céline laid themselves down in what had once been the tomb of St. Cecilia, taking some of the earth sanctified by her holy remains. Therese felt greater devotion and love towards St. Cecilia and she became Therese’s chosen patroness.

On the seventh day in Rome, the pilgrims had an audience with Pope Leo XIII. Since Therese hadn’t heard from the bishop regarding her request to enter Carmel, she decided to ask the Holy Father’s permission.

It was Sunday, Nov. 20 and the pilgrims attended the Mass celebrated by the Holy Father at his private chapel. A Mass of thanksgiving followed, and then the audience began. During the audience pilgrims were not supposed to talk to the Pope. But when it was Therese's turn, she pleaded: “Holy Father, I have a great favour to ask you.” At once Holy Father bent toward Therese. She continued: “Holy Father, in honor of your jubilee, will you allow me to enter the Carmel when I am 15?”

The vicar-general explained to the Pope: “Holy Father, this is a child who desires to become a Carmelite, but the superiors of the Carmel are looking into the matter.” Pope Leo XIII said, “Well, my child, do whatever the superiors decide.”

Therese said, “Holy Father, if only you say ‘yes,’ everyone else would agree.” Leo XIII looked at her fixedly and said clearly and emphatically: “Well, well! You will enter if it is God’s will.” The Vatican guards motioned to her and, as she paid little attention, they came forward to lift her up. The Holy Father blessed her, and she left the audience in tears.

Therese wrote, “This trial was indeed a heavy one, but I must admit that in spite of my tears I felt a deep inward peace, for I had made every effort in my power to respond to the appeal of my Divine Master.”

One comfort for Therese was that Father Révérony, the vicar-general of Bayeux, promised her that he would do all in his power to realize her desire of entering Carmel at 15.

After Rome, the pilgrims visited Naples, Pompeii, Assisi, Florence, Pisa, and Genoa, staying at high-quality and comfortable hotels. However, Therese's heart was set on Carmel and she felt strongly that riches do not make happiness.






朝聖的焦點是羅馬。抵達鬥獸場時,小德蘭偕同席琳姐姐跑到競技場內,特別欣賞一塊刻上了十字的石頭 ── 當年致命的勇者就此打了漂亮的仗 ── 姐妹二人跪下來祈禱。之後,一行人到地下墓穴。小德蘭和席琳在曾為聖則濟利亞的墓穴躺下來,取了一小掇被聖女遺骸祝聖過的泥土。小德蘭因而更熱敬聖則濟利亞,並邀請她作自己的主保。




