Thousands of Canadians are currently united as they pray the 54-day Rosary novena for our beloved nation. Please consider joining the novena by signing up as a Prayer Partner at

The 54-day novena consist of six 9-day novenas. Different saints and blessed are being honoured in each of the six 9-day novenas. From April 28 to May 6, St. Louis was honoured by the participants with this prayer: “St. Louis de Montfort, who during your life on earth taught Christians how to have true devotion to Mary, and had a zeal for becoming a Canadian missionary; pray for us. May God make us apostles of the last days, to find refuge in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and to courageously witness to Christ and His Glorious Cross. Amen.”

St. Louis Marie de Montfort was ordained a priest in June, 1700. After his ordination, he had hoped to go to Canada to serve as a missionary priest. However, due to the needs in France, his bishop sent him to travel throughout France and preach against the errors of Jansenism. 

Jansenism produced general harshness and moral rigorism. It denied God’s mercy to all mankind. Saint Louis opposed to the proud austerity of Jansenism with confident and expansive love of Mary. 

Father Donald Calloway, author of Champions of the Rosary, wrote: “[St. Louis’] approach to winning back souls was two-fold: Preach both the wisdom of the Cross and true devotion to Mary. In his preaching on true devotion to Mary, he focused on total consecration to Mary and praying the Rosary. With these weapons at his side, he set out on a walking tour throughout France as an itinerant preacher. As he travelled from town to town, he was known to preach with the cross in one hand and the rosary in the other.”

The two great Marian books written by St. Louis are: True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin and The Secret of the Rosary

During the canonization of St. Louis, Pope Pius XII pointed out the attitudes which were the foundation of St Louis’ devotion to Mary: firm conviction regarding her powerful intercession, determination to imitate her virtues, and ardent love for Jesus and Mary. 

St. Louis promoted consecration to Jesus through Mary, with the renewal and deepening of one’s baptismal promises. We are to consecrate all that we are (our body and soul) and all that we have (material and spiritual possessions) through the hands of Mary.

Father Calloway wrote, “Preaching consecration to Mary had proven very fruitful in [St. Louis’] apostolate, but he was an itinerant preacher who was constantly on the move. There was the possibility that, after he left, people would lose their initial fervor if they did not have something ‘in hand’ to remind them of their consecration on a daily basis. The Rosary would be the ongoing means to help people remain consecrated to Mary after he had left town.”

St. Louis became a Third Order Dominican and an ardent promoter of the Confraternity of the Rosary. Members of the Confraternity strive to pray the mysteries of the Rosary each week. A member shares in the prayer of countless thousands of members the world over, and this even after death. He also shares in the prayers, Masses and apostolic works of the entire Dominican Order and receives various indulgences throughout the year.

Faithful in Canada can consider enrolling in the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary at Cap-de-la-Madeleine online at This Confraternity was established during the life time of St. Louis in 1694. 

Both St. John Eudes (1601-1680) and St. Louis Marie de Montfort (1673–1716) influenced the spirituality of the faithful in France. Missionaries brought the treasure of French spirituality to New France. St. John promoted devotion to the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary and St. Louis promoted consecration and Rosary. Through their intercession, may the people in Canada come to Jesus through Mary.




54天玫瑰經敬禮其實是一連六個九日敬禮;每一個九日敬禮都包括恭敬不同的聖人或真福。4月28日至5月6日第一個九日敬禮,紀念聖類斯. 瑪利亞.蒙福,誦唸以下經文:「聖類斯.蒙福,你在世時,曾教導基督徒如何誠心恭敬瑪利亞,並有意到加拿大傳教,請為我們祈求。願天主讓我們成為末世的使徒,在聖母無玷聖心的庇蔭下,勇毅地為基督及祂光榮聖架作證。亞孟。」










 聖若望.恩道(1601-1680年)和聖類斯. 瑪利亞.蒙福(1673-1716年),影響了法國人的靈性生活。傳教者把法國的靈性瑰寶,帶給了新法國(加拿大)。聖若望.恩道推廣了對耶穌及聖母聖心的敬禮;聖類斯.蒙福則推廣了奉獻給聖母和玫瑰經的敬禮。
