St. Bede the Venerable was born in the northeast of England in the seventh century. His popularity rests especially on his Ecclesiastical History of the English People.

At the end of the book, St. Bede wrote the following notice of himself: “Bede, the servant of God, and priest of the monastery of the blessed apostles, Peter and Paul, which is at Weremouth and Jarrow; who being born in the territory of that same monastery, was given, at seven years of age, to be educated by the most reverend Abbot Benedict, and afterwards by Ceolfrid and spending all the remaining time of my life in that monastery, I wholly applied myself to the study of Scripture, and amidst the observance of regular discipline, and the daily care of singing in the church, I always took delight in learning, teaching, and writing.”

According to Pope Benedict XVI, in his way of creating theology, St. Bede interweaved the Bible, history and liturgy.

The Pope said, “Sacred Scripture was the constant source of Bede’s theological reflection. After a critical study of the text, he comments on the Bible, interpreting it in a Christological key, that is, combining two things: on the one hand he listens to exactly what the text says, he really seeks to hear and understand the text itself; on the other, he is convinced that the key to understanding Sacred Scripture as the one word of God is Christ, and with Christ, in his light, one understands the Old and New Testaments as ‘one’ Sacred Scripture.”

St. Bede has a great love for the study of Church’s history. Benedict XVI said, “Another of Bede’s favourite topics is the history of the Church. After studying the period described in the Acts of the Apostles, he reviews the history of the Fathers and the Councils, convinced that the work of the Holy Spirit continues in history.”

According to Father Augustine Kalberer OSB, the Ecclesiastical History is a masterpiece “cherished by those who love unspoiled tales of saintliness and self-sacrifice. A deep piety, that never appears strained or put on, is the author’s most characteristic trait”.

Benedict XVI said, “Bede was also an eminent teacher of liturgical theology. In his Homilies on the Gospels for Sundays and feast days he achieves a true mystagogy, teaching the faithful to celebrate the mysteries of the faith joyfully and to reproduce them coherently in life, while awaiting their full manifestation with the return of Christ, when, with our glorified bodies, we shall be admitted to the offertory procession in the eternal liturgy of God in Heaven.”

On the Solemnity of All Saints, St. Bede preached: “A great multitude of dear ones is there expecting us: a vast and mighty crowd of parents, brothers, and children, secure now of their own safety, anxious yet for our salvation, longs that we may come to their sight and embrace – to that joy which will be common to us and to them – to that pleasure expected by our celestial fellow-servants, as well as ourselves – to that full and perpetual felicity.… If it be a pleasure to go to them, let us eagerly and covetously hasten on our way, that we may soon be with them, and soon be with Christ; that we may have Him as our Guide in this journey, Who is the Author of Salvation, the Prince of Life, the Giver of Gladness, and Who lives and reigns with God the Father Almighty, and with the Holy Spirit.”

St. Bede worked and prayed up to his last hour on May 26, 737. Alban Butler, author of The Lives of the Saints, wrote, “To see him pray, says an ancient writer, one would have thought he left himself no time to study; and when we look at his books we admire he could have found time to do any thing else but write.”

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據Augustine Kalberer神父,《教會史》是一部傑作,『被那些熱愛未受破壞的聖潔和自我犧牲故事的人所珍視。 一種從不顯得緊張或裝模作樣的虔誠,是作者最典型的特徵』。

本篤十六世說:『伯達也是位卓越的禮儀神學教師。在他主日和瞻禮日的講道中,他得臻真正的釋奧,教導信徒們愉快地去慶祝信德的奧跡,並在生命中把它們重現,同時等待它們隨著基督的再來作完全宣示,以我們榮耀的肉體,我們將在天堂上的天主永恆的禮儀中被接納參加奉 獻禮的遊行。』

在諸聖瞻禮,聖伯達講道說:『許許多多親愛的人在那裡等待著我們:一大群父母、兄弟和孩子們,保障了自己的安全,仍渴望著我們的救恩,期望著我們來到他們視線內並擁抱他們  –  為那我們和他們共同的喜樂  –  為那天堂同伴  –  僕人的歡愉,跟同我們一樣  –  為那充裕和永恆的幸福… 如果追尋它是一份樂趣,讓我們急切而貪婪地趕上我們的路,我們不久便會跟它們一起,也不久便跟基督一起;這樣我們可以有祂作我們旅程的嚮導,祂是救恩的鼻祖,生命的王子,喜樂的施與者,祂與全能天父和聖神永生永王!』

真福比得工作和祈禱到他生命的最後一個小時(737年5月26日)。Alban Butler寫道:『一位古代作家說,看到他祈禱,人們會認為他沒有時間學習;當我們看他的書時,我們欽佩他除了寫作外,本可以抽出時間做其他事情。』

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