“The theological virtues are the foundation of Christian moral activity; they animate it and give it its special character,” states the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

The theological virtues “inform and give life to all the moral virtues. They are infused by God into the souls of the faithful to make them capable of acting as his children and of meriting eternal life. They are the pledge of the presence and action of the Holy Spirit in the faculties of the human being. There are three theological virtues: faith, hope, and charity” (n. 1813)

Pope Francis said, “The Christian has the theological virtues, which are the great antidote to self-sufficiency. How often do certain morally irreproachable men and women run the risk of becoming conceited and arrogant in the eyes of those who know them! ... Pride is a poison, a powerful poison: a drop of it is enough to spoil a whole life marked by goodness. A person may have performed a mountain of good deeds, may have reaped accolades and praise, but if he has done all this only for himself, to exalt himself, can he still call himself a virtuous person? No!”

Faith is a supernatural virtue by which we firmly believe all the truths which God has revealed to us, and which he teaches through the Catholic Church. St. Augustine said, “Faith is to believe what we do not see. The reward of this faith is to see what we believe.”

‌Pope Francis said, “Faith is the virtue that makes the Christian. Because to be Christians is not first and foremost about accepting a culture, with the values that accompany it, but being Christian means welcoming and cherishing a bond, a bond with God: God and I, myself and the amiable face of Jesus. This bond is what makes us Christians.”

Faith involves grace, will, and intellect. The grace of God moves the will, and the will moves the intellect to give assent to revealed truth. Hence, to increase our faith, we must work on the three areas of grace, will, and intellect.

Faithfulness to grace will lead to an increase of faith, whereas abuse of grace may lead to unbelief. Prayer and the sacraments are the main sources of grace. Faithfulness to religious practices such as Sunday Mass, confession, and daily prayer is very important for preservation of and growth in faith.

‌An upright will which is faithful to grace welcomes the practice of virtues which are required by faith, whereas a perverse will gives in to evil passions which darken the mind by inclining it to errors and binding it to earthly concerns, at the expense of ignoring the spiritual.

‌Charity gives life to faith. Hence, living faith is accompanied by observance of the commandments, and dead faith is not accompanied by observance of the commandments. A person in a state of mortal sin has no living faith.

‌A deep study of Christian faith helps us preserve and increase our faith. Study leads to a fuller and more explicit knowledge of the truth.

‌In our study of the faith we must first familiarize ourselves with the Catechism. The study of the lives and writings of the saints officially proposed to us by the Church is very helpful to the growth of our faith.

‌For our deeper study of the faith we should go into the sources by familiarizing ourselves with the Bible and the writings of the Fathers.

‌We have a moral obligation to protect our faith by avoiding reading materials that are dangerous to faith. It is very important for parents to safeguard their children from inappropriate materials.

St. John Henry Newman said, “We can believe what we choose. We are answerable for what we choose to believe.”

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教宗方濟各說:「基督徒擁有超性的德行,這些德行是對抗只顧自己的極佳解毒劑。一些在道德上無可非議的人,特別是在認識他們的人眼中,有時會陷入變得自負和傲慢的風險!… 驕傲是一種毒藥,一種強烈的毒藥:一滴就足以破壞整個充滿美好的生命。一個人可能做過無數善行,獲得了眾多榮譽和稱讚,但如果他所做的一切只是為了自己,為了抬高自己,那麼他還能稱自己為一個有德行的人嗎?絕對不能!」












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