St. Paulinus was born at Bordeaux, France, in about 353. He was well educated and became governor (about 381) of Campania, Italy.

Pope Benedict XVI pointed out that it was during this period as governor “that grace caused the seed of conversion to grow in his heart. The incentive came from the simple and intense faith with which the people honoured the tomb of a saint, Felix the Martyr, at the Shrine of present-day Cimitile. As the head of public government, Paulinus took an interest in this Shrine and had a hospice for the poor built and a road to facilitate access to it for the many pilgrims.”

St. Felix had suffered martyrdom around the year 260. He was a priest of Nola near Naples and the chief mainstay of that church in the Decian persecution.

Pope Benedict described the spiritual journey of Paulinus: “Anxious to shed light on the meaning of life, he went to Milan to attend the school of Ambrose. He then completed his Christian formation in his native land, where he was baptized by Bishop Delphinus of Bordeaux. Marriage was also a landmark on his journey of faith. Indeed, he married Therasia, a devout noblewoman from Barcelona, with whom he had a son. He would have continued to live as a good lay Christian had not the infant’s death after only a few days intervened to rouse him, showing him that God had other plans for his life. Indeed, he felt called to consecrate himself to Christ in a rigorous ascetic life.”

Upon the death of their only child, Paulinus and Therasia agreed to adopt an ascetical way of life and distributed all their goods to the poor. They distributed their goods so prudently that St. Jerome says East and West were filled with his alms. In 395, Paulinus was ordained a priest, and retired with Therasia to Nola in Campania. There he rebuilt the Church of St. Felix and promoted devotion to St. Felix of Nola. In about 409, Paulinus was chosen bishop of Nola. He helped pilgrims and the poor with great dedication. Paulinus died in Nola on June 22, 431. It is said that he was the first to introduce (about 420) the use of bells in Christian worship.

Paulinus wrote poems in honour of St. Felix. Here is an excerpt from a poem praising St. Felix as Protector of Nola:

“Nola has housed his buried body, and so takes pride as though he were her own star – for every martyr, wherever the region to which his body is committed, is both a star for that district and a source of healing for its residents. The reason for this is that when the earth was shrouded in its ancient darkness, and men’s souls were sick throughout the world, the Creator took pity on them, and apportioned sacred tombs of saints throughout the earth, just as He scattered the stars with their light through the night sky.”

Paulinus was not only a devotee of St. Felix, he was also a faithful friend of saints who were living in his lifetime. Pope Benedict said, “Paulinus lived communion above all through a pronounced practice of spiritual friendship. He was truly a master in this, making his life a crossroads of elect spirits: from Martin of Tours to Jerome, from Ambrose to Augustine, from Delphinus of Bordeaux to Nicetas of Remesiana, from Victricius of Rouen to Rufinus of Aquileia, from Pammachius to Sulpicius Severus and many others, more or less well known.”

A person who knew Paulinus well said that “he was meek as Moses, priestlike as Aaron, innocent as Samuel, tender as David, wise as Solomon, apostolic as Peter, loving as John, cautious as Thomas, keen-sighted as Stephen, fervent as Apollos.”




















「視他為本土耀星,諾拉接葬了聖菲利的聖骸 ── 猶如殉道者在其葬身地,成為守護當地居民的耀星。大地彌漫著源自遠古的黑暗,人靈感染著始自遠祖的罪惡;尤幸造物主見憐,分佈聖者的聖墓於大地,好像在夜空中遍撒閃爍的繁星。」



