From April 28 to June 20, thousands of Canadians participated in the 54-Day Rosary Novena praying for our nation. June 22 is a significant day in the history of devotion to Our Lady in Canada.

On June 22, 1888, Blessed Frederic Janssoone officiated at the consecration ceremony of the small church which housed the statue of Our Lady of the Cape at Cap-de-la-Madeleine, today Trois Rivieres, Que. That same evening, Father Frederic, Father Desilets, and a layman, Pierre Lacroix, were praying to Our Lady in the church. They then witnessed the “miracle of the eyes.” The statue of the Virgin, whose eyes are usually lowered, looked straight ahead for several minutes.

Pierre Lacroix’s testimony reads:

“I went into the shrine at about seven o’clock in the evening, accompanied by Vicar-General Luc Desilets and the Reverend Father Frederic. I was walking between the two of them, helped by them. After praying for a while, I looked up at the statue of the Blessed Virgin which was facing directly towards me. As I did so, I saw most distinctly the statue with its eyes wide open in a most natural manner. It was as if it was looking out over our heads towards Three Rivers.

“I examined this closely without saying anything. Then Vicar-General Desilets, leaving his place on my right, went across to Father Frederic and I heard him say, ‘Do you see it?’

“‘Yes,’ said Father Frederic, ‘the statue has its eyes open, hasn’t it? But can this really be true?’

“I then told them that I had seen the same thing. And I make this solemn declaration believing it in conscience to be true and knowing that it has the same force and effect as if made upon oath.”

Canada was consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on June 22, 1947, during the Marian Congress in Ottawa.

The Congress took place from June 17 to June 22 in 1947 to mark the hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Diocese of Ottawa. The event attracted about 200,000 pilgrims. The Catholic Register described it thus: “For six days and nights, 24 hours a day, priests celebrated Mass, beginning a new one every half hour. One hundred priests were available to hear confessions until 3 a.m. – and found the 15 confessionals built at Lansdowne Park were not enough.”

The “crowning act” of the Congress was the consecration of Canada to the Immaculate Heart on June 22. Here is a portion of the consecration text drafted by Pope Pius XII: “as the Church and the entire human race were consecrated to the Sacred Heart of thy Divine Son, so that by placing all hope in Him, He might become for them the pledge of Victory and Salvation, so do we now and forever consecrate ourselves to thy Immaculate Heart, O Blessed Mother and Queen of the World, that thy love and thy protection may hasten the triumph of the Kingdom of God, and all nations, at peace with one another and with God may proclaim thee blest and chant with thee from pole to pole, the eternal Magnificat of glory, love and gratitude to the Heart of Jesus, in Whom alone may be found the blessings of truth, of life, and of Heavenly Peace, Amen.”

An effective way to honour the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the First Saturday devotion taught by Our Lady of Fatima.

In reparation for the sins against the Immaculate Heart, we are asked to:

1. go to confession
2. receive Holy Communion
3. pray five decades of the Rosary
4. keep Our Lady company for 15 minutes while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary.

Our Lady promised to assist all those who will practice the devotion of the First Saturday on five consecutive months with the graces necessary for salvation at the hour of their death.

May the First Saturday devotion foster the triumph of the Immaculate Heart in Canada.









6月22日,大會「聖母加冕」程節,把加拿大奉獻給聖母無玷聖心。教宗庇約十二世撰禱文,部份如下:「一如教會和全人類曾被奉獻給妳聖子的至聖聖心,把所有希望都寄托於祂,讓祂成為他們勝利與得救的保證。同樣,我們現在和永遠將我們自己奉獻給妳的無玷聖心 ── 噢真福母親、普世母后,願妳的慈愛和護佑,促進天國的勝利,並讓各國人民在與天主和彼此的和睦中,稱妳為有福的,並從這地極到那地極,與妳同聲詠唱永恒的謝主曲以歸光榮、愛慕和感謝與耶穌聖心 ── 唯獨在祂內才能找到真理、生命及天上平安的恩賜。亞孟。」


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