St. Alphonsus de Liguori wrote, “To love God with our whole heart implies two things: the first is to banish every affection which is not for God, or according to the will of God.”

“If I knew,” said St. Francis de Sales, “that there was one fibre in my heart which did not belong to God, I would instantly tear it out.”

“The second is prayer,” wrote St. Alphonsus, by which divine love is introduced into the heart. “But if the heart does not empty itself of all that is of the earth, love cannot enter, for it finds no room for itself. On the contrary, a heart detached from all creatures becomes quickly inflamed and increases in divine love at every breath of grace.” 

An effective way to foster detachment from creatures and a life of prayer is a love for solitude and retirement. Our Lord told the Apostles: “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” (Mk 6:31)

St. Alphonsus said, “If Our Lord said even to the Apostles, ‘rest a little,’ it is therefore necessary for all apostolic labourers to retire from time to time into solitude to preserve their spirit of recollection and union with God and to obtain strength to labor afterwards with greater vigour for the salvation of souls.”

The saint explained that “rest a little” did not mean that “the Apostles were to go to sleep, but that they should repose in holding communion with God, in praying to Him for the graces necessary for living well, and thus should gain strength to employ themselves afterwards for the salvation of souls.” 

St. Lawrence Justinian taught that solitude or retirement is to be always loved, but not always enjoyed. St. Alphonsus explained that “they who are called by God to labour for the conversion of sinners must not remain always in solitude, shut up in a cell, for they would be neglecting their divine vocation, to obey which, when God calls them, they must leave their retirement. Yet they should never cease to love and to sigh for solitude, in which God allows Himself to be more easily found.”

For people living in the world, a plan of life or schedule is very important to make room for solitude and retirement. St. Josemaria Escriva, who dedicated himself to fostering the universal call to holiness, emphasized the importance of a plan of life which include the daily exercises of piety such as mental prayer, spiritual reading, visiting the Blessed Sacrament, Holy Rosary, the Angelus, and examination of conscience.  

St. Josemaria wrote, “If you don’t have a plan of life, you’ll never have order.” 

A plan of life requires discipline in the use of time. The saint wrote, “If you don’t get up at a set hour, you’ll never fulfill your plan of life.” Regarding the effect of a plan of life, he wrote, “With order, your time will be multiplied, and you will be able to give more glory to God by doing more work in his service.”

A plan of life requires constancy and perseverance. St. Josemaria wrote, “You must be constant and demanding with yourself in your regular practices of piety, also when you feel tired or they seem to be arid. Persevere! Those moments are like the tall red painted poles which serve as markers along the mountain roads when there are heavy snowfalls. They are always there to show where it is safe to go.”

In his work, Meditations and Devotions, St. John Henry Newman outlined a simple path to holiness:

“He is perfect who does the work of the day perfectly, and we need not go beyond this to seek for perfection. You need not go out of the round of the day. I insist on this because I think it will simplify our views, and fix our exertions on a definite aim. If you ask me what you are to do in order to be perfect, I say, first – Do not lie in bed beyond the due time of rising; give your first thoughts to God; make a good visit to the Blessed Sacrament; say the Angelus devoutly; eat and drink to God’s glory; say the Rosary well; be recollected; keep out bad thoughts; make your evening meditation well; examine yourself daily; go to bed in good time, and you are already perfect.”

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