Marcus Schonnop from Surrey was ordained a transitional deacon for the Companions of the Cross, the final step before priestly ordination, in Detroit this fall.

“This is a significant achievement for Marcus, and great news for the Companions of the Cross as we continue praying for more vocations to advance the new evangelization,” said Father Michael Scherrey, Interim General Superior.

Schonnop, a former agnostic, joined the Catholic Church at Easter in 2010.

He said his life was radically changed while he was a student at the University of British Columbia. His devoutly Catholic roommate invited him to Rise Up, a conference by Catholic Christian Outreach. There during adoration, Schonnop felt that God was real, that Jesus died for his sins, and that God had a plan for his life.

He discerned the priesthood during a year of service as a missionary with NET Ministries of Canada and joined the Companions of the Cross in 2012. He had been working in forestry at the time.

“I am amazed when I look back and give thanks for all that the Lord has done in my life,” said Schonnop. “Now, I have a community of brothers who affirm, support, and challenge me every day to give everything to the Lord and the Church.”

Archbishop Allen Vigneron of Detroit ordained him a transitional deacon Sept. 14. The Companions of the Cross were founded in Ottawa by Father Bob Bedard in 1985.