When Anna Nuzzo made her Marian Consecration in 2012, she had no idea what she was getting into.

Nuzzo, who will sing at the Vancouver Marian Conference Saturday, Jan. 18, is an interior designer, wife, and mother of two teenage sons. She wasn’t looking to add more to her plate when she began to read 33 Days to Morning Glory by Father Michael Gaitley, MIC. The book outlines a do-it-yourself spiritual retreat in preparation for a Marian Consecration – an ancient practice whereby an individual dedicates his or her soul to Christ through His Blessed Mother.

Nuzzo’s reading of the book and subsequent Marian Consecration was done with a women’s group at her Wisconsin parish. Participation in the group had revived the cradle Catholic’s zeal for her faith, but she never expected it to lead to what she calls her “God job” – a singing career that has, to date, included five albums, performances all over the globe and, most recently, the hosting of two television shows for Shalom World, a Catholic ministry that began in India in 1989 and has now grown to include an English-language channel with religious shows that streams online.

“It’s grown out of the Marian Consecration,” said Nuzzo of her career as a singer/songwriter. “It’s all for God’s glory. It’s not about me. It’s all to bring more souls to Christ and to glorify him.”

A lifelong singer, she had participated in church choirs since childhood and done some professional gigs at weddings and funerals, but it wasn’t until after the Marian Consecration that she was struck with the urge to do any songwriting herself.

“I had prayed to the Blessed Mother to help me write this song, and then it all just happened,” she recalled. “Ever since then, prayer songs have just been oozing out of me.”

The CDs led to performances at churches, conferences, and retreats, and eventually Nuzzo attracted the attention of Shalom World TV, where she travelled around the U.S. Midwest profiling church choirs and their members. The half-hour show was an especially meaningful project for Nuzzo.

“It’s just to bring their reality and their ministry out into the open. I’ve been in choir my whole life, and I always notice music when I go to churches, but a lot of people don’t, and these people are devoting their lives to doing this, and it’s integrated in their lives,” she said. “It’s another way to promote volunteering at your church and to share their personal stories – what brought you here? Why are you singing at church instead of a nightclub?”

Nuzzo also hosts pilgrimages and will be accompanying a group to France in October.

She admits aspects of her life are surreal, but fitting. After all, this is her “God job” – a special commission from “the greatest intercessor.”

She encourages all Catholics to consider consecrating themselves to Christ through his Blessed Mother. “By saying yes to her, just like she said ‘yes’ to God in her fiat, your life will dramatically change for the better,” she said. “You will be ignited with a great desire to use your God-given gifts to help others and give glory to God. She truly sets your heart on fire for the love of Jesus!”

Anna Nuzzo will singing at the Vancouver Marian Conference, Saturday, Jan. 18, at Canadian Martyrs Church in Richmond. Also taking part will be Father James Blount, SOLT, Father Chris Alar, MIC, Father Joseph Aytona, CPM, and Father Peter Prusakiewicz, CSMA. The conference is from 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. To register visit www.eventbrite.com/e/vancouver-marian-conference-2020-tickets-80429529889For more information on Anna Nuzzo, visit annanuzzo.com.

From The Catholic Herald. Reprinted with permission.