Just as the Archdiocese of Vancouver has found new ways of carrying out its responsibilities as the Church since the start of the pandemic, Catholic parishes brought the Church Never Stops slogan to their B.C. March for Life activities this year.

Six parishes banded together to host pro-life demonstrations in various cities across the Lower Mainland with an extended event from May 10 from 14.

Every evening for 1 1/2 hours, they gathered at a different high-traffic intersection to hold signs and wave at drivers. It was their way of participating in B.C.’s March for Life, which due to pandemic restrictions on gathering and travel was held virtually May 13 instead of at its regular spot in front of the legislature buildings in Victoria.

The parishes represented were St. Matthew’s (Surrey), St. Joseph’s (Langley), Precious Blood (Surrey), Our Lady of Good Counsel (Surrey), and Immaculate Conception (Delta).

Some more participants who made a big splash in their neighbourhood included the students of Credo Christian High School, who took signs to the streets in Langley May 13.

Students from Credo Christian High School. (Photos courtesy ARPA Canada)

St. Joseph’s Parish in Port Moody also held an outdoor display in solidarity with the March for Life. Organizers estimated two dozen people arrived to pray and line up facing the street with neon green t-shirts and pro-life slogans including a large sign saying that theirs is a pro-life parish.

They spent about an hour there, and participant Alex Fantillo said though a few passersby were unhappy with the display (one man stopped his car to tell them he would never become a part of their church), the reaction was mostly positive.

(Alex Fantillo photos)

Did you display signs on your home or street for the March for Life? Send us your photos! [email protected].

Read more about the virtual March for Life activities here: