At the age of 28, Frater Athanasius Capko, OSB, is just shy of the 30 years Jesus lived before beginning his public ministry. Now he has become the newest deacon at Westminster Abbey in Mission, following his ordination by Archbishop J. Michael Miller on May 10.

In a statement, he said he is starting his diaconal ministry with the the power of the word of God inspiring him.

“When we take the word to heart, we taste what the psalmist says, ‘The Lord takes delight in his people,’ (Ps 149:4)” he said.

Frater Capko (born Stuart Capko) grew up mostly in South Surrey as the second of four children. He entered the Seminary of Christ the King in Grade 9 and joined the Benedictine community after graduating Grade 12. 

In 2016, he took his religious name after St. Athanasius, a Church father and strong proponent of the divinity of Christ in the fourth century.

Over the years, Frater Capko’s love of the Scriptures has led him to meet “friendly and kindred spirits” in other Christians during his life and discernment, including his piano teachers.

“As a deacon, he hopes to be not just a herald of the word of God but also one who can share with others the monastic experience of being at the heart of the Church.”

He was ordained surrounded by Benedictine monks, seminarians, family members, and many well-wishers.

In his homily, Archbishop Miller told the young deacon the call to the diaconate, “gentle yet demanding,” will be a blessing for his monastic community and “for all of God’s people.”

“In a moment Our Lady and the saints will soon be invoked upon you by your brother monks, family and friends,” said the Archbishop.

“May the Holy Spirit descend upon you in power and take you, body, soul and spirit, into the diaconal service of the Lord and his Church. And may Mary, the Handmaid of the Lord, continue to grant you her maternal protection.” 

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