I am so thankful for the letter addressed to the faithful by Archbishop J. Michael Miller.

Now, more than ever, our faith is being tested, and though we are all saddened and angered by what has taken place, this is the time to stand up for our faith, however bad the circumstances may be.

We must heed the call of our bishop and pray and do penance to appease the heart of Our Lord Jesus who is being crucified again. Please do not stop going to church. On the contrary, try to go more often, pray more, and thank God for all the good and devoted clergy we have who need our support.

Consider yourself blessed to be numbered among the faithful Catholics, and live up to it.

Doris Joseph

Re “Canadian bishops respond to U.S. abuse allegations” (B.C. Catholic online, Aug. 21):

It is not correct nor kind to all present or past Irish Catholic Brothers for you to write “... the revelations of abuse by Irish Catholic Brothers at Mount Cashel Orphanage.” I would suggest you call it the Congregation of Christian Brothers, founded by Edmund Ignatius Rice. This worldwide congregation is sometimes called the Irish Christian Brothers or the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers for greater distinction.

John O’Flynn
North Vancouver

Re “Bold pro-life group hits B.C. with renewed energy” (B.C. Catholic July 30):

For those of us with somewhat long memories, this is not the first time the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform has operated here in British Columbia. CCBR was founded here and had offices and a home here prior to moving to Calgary.

This is great to see CCBR returning back to their home province once again.

Sean Ollech
Prince George