The Canadian federal election has been called for Monday, Sept. 20, and Canadians will have representatives ranging from Conservatives, Greens, Liberals, NDP, PPC, Christian Heritage, and others to choose from.

So why vote?

Because we can vote freely. Billions cannot. 

Because we should, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2239-2240, which says it is “morally obligatory” to exercise the right to vote.

Because no vote is a wasted vote. Did you know that your vote, regardless of how it is placed, could help to influence future government policy? And did you know that the party of every candidate who gets five per cent of the vote in a riding gets funding for the next election? 

A Catholic perspective on challenges facing our society would come up with a list of issues that could fill this page. Trying to rank their importance is beyond the scope and abilities of this committee. So what follows is an incomplete list not ranked by importance. 

MAiD (euthanasia), Indigenous reconciliation, abortion, religious freedom in the public square, conscience rights, human trafficking, family rights, economic justice, international responsibilities, education, taxes, freedom of speech, public welfare, drug abuse, vaccination and health policies (including COVID-19), and many, many more. 

Feeling overwhelmed? No party will agree with you on every issue. So you must inform your vote.

The following references may give you some guidance on how to approach the issues most important to you and our community. 

Please do your research on local candidates and party platforms. Then pray, discern, and vote wisely on Monday, Sept. 20, or in advance polls which open Friday, Sept. 10 for four days.

Marc Vella
President, Christian Civic Affairs Committees of Canada