St. Columban was born at Leinster, Ireland, about 543. He studied under St. Sinell and then entered the monastery at Bangor. After 30 years as a monk under St. Comgall, he and 12 companions were sent by Comgall to the Continent as missionaries around 591. They went to present-day France and settled in Burgundy. Columban established three monasteries, one of which was Luxeuil, of which he was abbot. 

Columban wrote a strict monastic rule and compiled two penitentials (manuals for confessors stipulating penances for specified sins). One entry in his rule reads: “No matter how wise a man is, if he talks much he will say many things that were better left unsaid.”

Though emphasizing the importance of silence in monastic life, Columban was not afraid to speak out when necessary. He was outspoken against court immorality and the laxity of the local clergy. Because of this Columban and all the monks of Irish origin were expelled from Luxeuil in 610.

Pope Benedict XVI described the episode: “They were escorted to the sea and, at the expense of the court, boarded a ship bound for Ireland. However, not far from shore the ship ran aground and the captain, who saw this as a sign from Heaven, abandoned the voyage and, for fear of being cursed by God, brought the monks back to dry land. Instead of returning to Luxeuil, they decided to begin a new work of evangelization. Thus, they embarked on a Rhine boat and travelled up the river. After a first stop in Tuggen near Lake Zurich they went to the region of Bregenz, near Lake Constance, to evangelize the Alemanni.”

Eventually Columban settled in Bobbio, Italy, and founded a monastery that became a famous centre of learning. St. Columban died at Bobbio on Nov. 23, 615.

At the end of his life, Columban wrote to the Pope: “We Irish, living at the furthest extremity of the world, are the disciples of St. Peter and St. Paul, and of the other apostles who have written under the dictation of the Holy Spirit … The native liberty of my race gives me boldness. With us it is not the person but the right which counts.” 

Author Father Alban Butler wrote, “Among the works of St. Columban, nothing was so much admired as his Rule, which St. Benedict Anian has inserted in his collection of monastic rules, and which is full of wisdom and spiritual instruction. The author lays down for the foundation of his rule, the love of God and of our neighbor, as a general precept, upon which the superstructure of all the rest is to be raised. He inculcates obedience, poverty, disinterestedness, humility, chastity, mortification both external (or of the senses) and internal, or of the will, in doing nothing according to self-will; silence and prudence to discern between good and evil: each of these he enforces and grounds upon some text of scripture of principle of morality.”

Pope Benedict XVI said, “St. Columban’s message is concentrated in a firm appeal to conversion and detachment from earthly goods, with a view to the eternal inheritance. With his ascetic life and conduct free from compromises when he faced the corruption of the powerful, he is reminiscent of the severe figure of St John the Baptist. His austerity, however, was never an end in itself but merely the means with which to open himself freely to God’s love and to correspond with his whole being to the gifts received from him, thereby restoring in himself the image of God, while at the same time cultivating the earth and renewing human society.”








