St. John Paul II, in his apostolic letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae (Oct. 2002), added the five Luminous Mysteries of the Holy Rosary to “bring out fully the Christological depth of the Rosary.”

The First Luminous Mystery of the Holy Rosary is the baptism of Jesus. John Paul II wrote, “The Baptism in the Jordan is first of all a mystery of light. Here, as Christ descends into the waters, the innocent one who became ‘sin’ for our sake, the heavens open wide and the voice of the Father declares him the beloved Son, while the Spirit descends on him to invest him with the mission which he is to carry out.”

A Bible commentary states: “The wonderful events which followed the baptism of Jesus directly foreshadowed the wonderful effects of Christian Baptism which our Lord then instituted. In the Sacrament of Baptism the Holy Spirit comes down on man, gives him sanctifying grace, and implants in him the three theological virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity. By the grace of Baptism God adopts man to be His beloved child, and opens for him the way to heaven.”

Regarding the descending of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, Origen said, “Christ was baptized for our sake, in order to sanctify the waters. The Spirit descended in the form of a dove, since wherever there is reconciliation with God there is a dove, as in the case of Noah’s ark . . . announcing God’s mercy to the world and at the same time making clear that what is spiritual should be meek and without wickedness, simple and without guile.”

“A voice from heaven, saying, ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased’” (Mt 3:17). St. Augustine said, “Here then we have the Trinity presented in a clear way: the Father in the voice, the Son in the man, the Holy Spirit in the dove.”

Venerable Fulton J. Sheen wrote, “In the waters of the Jordan He was identified with sinners; in the baptism of His Death, He would bear the full burden of their guilt . . . The Cross must have been looming up in His thoughts now with increasing vividness. It was no afterthought in His mind. He was temporarily immersed in the waters of the Jordan only to emerge again. So would He be immersed by the death on the Cross and the burial in the tomb, only to emerge triumphantly in the Resurrection . . . The baptism in the Jordan closed Our Lord’s private life and began His public ministry. He had gone down into the water known to most men only as the son of Mary; He came out ready to reveal Himself as what He had been from all eternity, the Son of God.”

Dr. Pius Parsch explained that Christ’s baptism helps us to understand more clearly the basic structure of the spiritual life: “At my baptism I was immersed with Christ, and with Him I died and was buried. Then I emerged, and for the first time heaven opened to me as the Holy Spirit made His entrance into my soul; and my Father in heaven glanced down upon me, now ‘His son, His child.’

“In each holy Mass, Christ’s baptism is again operative. Through the holy Sacrifice I am immersed in His sacrificial death; heaven then opens and the Holy Spirit descends in holy Communion, while through the pledge of the sacrificial Banquet the Father assures me of renewed and enriched sonship in himself.

“The baptism of Christ takes place within me a third time at death, for death is indeed a sort of baptism. Death is like immersion into the dark depths, and when I emerge, it is into heaven above. Then I will see the Blessed Trinity, no longer through the darkened sun-glass of faith, but in immediate vision, face to face . . .

“Christ’s death is the foundation. Upon this foundation the edifice rises through baptism and the Eucharist; while the Lord’s return at death spells completion to the work.”







可敬Fulton J. Sheen 寫道:『在約旦水中,祂與罪人一起,在祂死亡的洗禮中,祂背負了他們罪過的全部負荷…十字架必會在祂的思想上更形清晰。十字架不是事後思考。祂暫時浸於約旦水中,只待出來。所以祂,將是浸於十字架的死亡中並埋於墳墓裡,只待重現於勝利的復活…約旦受洗結束了我主的私人生命,開始了祂公開的神職。祂走進水裡時,人認識祂是瑪利亞的兒子;祂從水裡出來卻顯示祂一向都是的、永恆天主子。』

Pius Parsch博士解釋稱基督受洗幫助我們多一點明白靈性生命的基本結構:『在我受洗時我與基督浸於水中,同時我跟祂一起死亡,埋藏。然後我從水中出來,天便第一次為我開了,因為聖神、祂進入我靈魂中;我天上的父親在天上垂視於我,現在「祂的兒子,孩童」。


