St. Vincent de Paul wrote, “The reason why God is so great a lover of humility is because he is the great lover of truth. Now humility is nothing but truth, while pride is nothing but lying.”

Jesus said, “Learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart” (Mt 11:29). Humility in words and deeds must flow from humility of the heart. St. Thomas Aquinas wrote, “An interior disposition to humility puts its seal upon the words, gestures, and acts by means of which that which is hidden within is manifested on the outside.”

St. Francis de Sales disliked humility in words unless they clearly came from the heart, and said that words of this kind were the flower, the cream, and the quintessence of the most subtle pride, subtle inasmuch as it was hidden even from him who spoke them.

He recommended people not to speak either in praise or blame of themselves unless doing so is absolutely necessary.

He said, “As for boasting, it is so ridiculous a weakness that it is hissed down by even the vulgar crowd. Its one fitting place is in the mouth of a swaggering comedian. In like manner words of contempt spoken of ourselves by ourselves, unless they are absolutely heartfelt and come from a mind thoroughly convinced of the fact of its own misery, are truly the very acme of pride, and a flower of the most subtle vanity; for it rarely happens that he who utters them either believes them himself or really wishes others to believe them: on the contrary, the speaker is mostly only anxious rather to be considered humble, and consequently virtuous, and seeks that his self-blame should redound to his honour. Self-dispraise in general is no more than a tricky kind of boasting. It reminds me of oarsmen who turn their backs on the very place which with all the strength of their arms they are striving to reach.”

There are two doctrinal truths which serve as the basis of humility: nothing and grace. We are created by God out of nothing. Father Gabriel wrote, “If we take away from ourselves what is of God, we will find that of ourselves we are nothing, or rather less than nothing, for nothingness is incapable of offending God, while we have this said capability.”

St. Therese, the Little Flower, said, “The remembrance of my weakness is so constantly present to me that there is no room for vanity.”

In the supernatural order we need the grace of Jesus, who said, “Without me you can do nothing” (Jn 15:5).

Father Gabriel pointed out: “In order to perform even the tiniest supernatural act we need God’s help; we need actual grace which prevents us by its inspirations and accompanies us in the act until it is accomplished.”

St. Paul asked, “What have you that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if it were not a gift?” (1 Cor 4:7).

Peter Kreeft, in his book Back to Virtue, wrote, “Humility is thinking less about yourself, not thinking less of yourself. Pride is wilful arrogance, arrogating to yourself what is really God’s.”

Humility has God at the centre, whereas pride has self at the centre. Our Lady said, “Be it done to me according to Your word,” whereas Lucifer said, “I will not serve.”

Two important elements in our Catholic religion which enable us to focus on God rather than self are: conformity to the will of God, and holy obedience. Adam and Eve failed in humility by disobeying the will of God. Jesus and Mary repaired the wound of human pride through obedience to the will of God.

In the secular world, progress is associated with independence, but in the spiritual life, the more progress we make, the more completely dependent we become on God.




耶穌說:『跟我學吧! 因為我是良善心謙的。』(瑪竇11:29) 聖多默·阿奎那寫道:『謙遜的言行,來自一顆謙遜的心態。藏於內心的,顯示於外。』







