St. Eusebius of Vercelli (283-371) was born of a noble family on the island of Sardinia, where his father is said to have died in prison for the faith. His mother, Restituta, carried Eusebius and his sister to Rome, where Eusebius grew up and was instituted lector by Pope St. Sylvester. 

Eusebius went to Vercelli and served the faithful there so well that when the episcopal chair became vacant in about 345, he was chosen unanimously by the clergy and people to fill it.

Bishop Eusebius saw that the best means to labour for the sanctification of the faithful was to have a zealous clergy. He and his clergy lived in community, in a manner similar to that later developed by the Canons Regular.

Eusebius formed his priests so well that other churches earnestly demanded his disciples to become their bishops. Many of those bishops would become saints. 

During a General Audience, Pope Benedict XVI said, “Inspired by St Athanasius—who had written the Life of St Anthony, the father of monasticism in the East—[Eusebius] founded a priestly community in Vercelli that resembled a monastic community. This coenobium impressed upon the clergy of Northern Italy a significant hallmark of apostolic holiness and inspired important episcopal figures such as Limenius and Honoratus, successors of Eusebius in Vercelli, Gaudentius in Novara, Exuperantius in Tortona, Eustasius in Aosta, Eulogius in Ivrea and Maximus in Turin, all venerated by the Church as saints.” 

Eusebius was a dedicated bishop who personally instructed his flock. According Father Alban Butler, author of The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and Other Principal Saints, “Many, moved by his exhortations, embraced virginity to serve God in purity of heart, without being divided by the cares or pleasures of the world. In a short time, the whole city of Vercelli appeared inflamed with the fire of divine love which Jesus Christ came to bring on earth, and which he ardently desired to see kindled in all hearts. Convicted by the force of the truth which the zealous pastor preached, persuaded by the sweetness and charity of his conduct, and still more powerfully excited by his examples, sinners encouraged themselves to a change of their lives, and all were animated to advance more and more in virtue.” 

Eusebius defended St. Athanasius and the Nicene Creed against Arianism. He was thus exiled by Constantius II. He was in Scythopolis, Palestine between 355 and 360. He founded a monastic community there with a small group of disciples. After 360, Eusebius was exiled to Cappadocia and the Thebaid, where he suffered serious physical ill-treatment. Towards the end of 361, Constantius II died, and the banished bishops were allowed to return to their sees. Benedict XVI said, “Eusebius was able to exercise his episcopal ministry for another 10 years, until he died, creating an exemplary relationship with his city which did not fail to inspire the pastoral service of other Bishops of Northern Italy, such as St Ambrose of Milan and St Maximus of Turin.”

St. Ambrose was an admirer of Eusebius. Pope Benedict XVI said, “Ambrose’s admiration for Eusebius was based above all on the fact that the Bishop of Vercelli governed his Diocese with the witness of his life: ‘With the austerity of fasting he governed his Church’. Indeed, Ambrose was also fascinated, as he himself admits, by the monastic ideal of the contemplation of God which, in the footsteps of the Prophet Elijah, Eusebius had pursued.”

Eusebius died at Vercelli on August 1, 371. Today Holy Mother Church commemorates him each year on Aug. 2 with this prayer: “Lead us, Lord God, to imitate the constancy of Saint Eusebius in affirming the divinity of your Son, so that, by preserving the faith he taught as your Bishop, we may merit a share in the very life of your Son.”






教宗本篤十六世曾在公開接見訪客時說:「受到聖達修的啟發──他說寫了東方隱修之父聖當的行實── 歐瑟伯在韋爾切利成立了一個近似隱修院的司鐸團體,成為使徒聖的標誌,並啟迪了意大利北部很多顯赫的主教,如他的繼任人依萬紐和沃諾肋奧、諾瓦拉的加德修斯、托爾托納的艾蘇畢拿修、奧斯塔的艾斯坦修、伊夫雷亞的厄奧羅祖修、都靈的馬克西穆斯,都被教會尊為聖人。」 



