By Sr. Francine-Marie Cooper, ISSM

Following Pope Francis' meeting with parish priests in Rome last week, the Holy See Press Office has released a 'mandate' signed by the Holy Father.

Pope Francis begins the mandate, which is addressed to priests who attended the "Parish priests for the synod" meeting, by asking for their help in view of the Second Session of the Synod of Bishops.

The Pope emphasizes the importance of last week's meeting in Rome, but stated that this is not enough.

More priests needed

“We must do more if we want to involve a larger number of priests in the synodal dynamism,” the Pope writes.

“Therefore, today I ask you to become missionaries of synodality with your fellow parish priests once you return home,” he adds.

He gives concrete suggestions as to how the priests could encourage synodality: “by animating reflection on the renewal of the parish ministry in a synodal and missionary way, promoting moments of conversation in the Spirit among parish priests, whether in person or online, seizing the opportunity of some already organized meetings, or arranging one specifically.”

The parish priests are asked to report the fruits of these initiatives to the Synod Secretariat.

"A task from the Pope"

The Holy Father asks priests to speak to their bishops about the idea and to “tell them that it is a task given to [them] by the Pope.”

Pope Francis informs those who had been gathered for the meeting in Rome: “I have written a letter to all the parish priests of the world to inform them about this initiative and to present you as missionaries of synodality to them."

The Holy Father ends by thanking his readers for their collaboration, promising his prayers for them asking that they also pray for him.

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