A willingness to change is needed to live out the Great Commission, Archbishop Michael Miller told parishioners at St. Stephen’s in North Vancouver during his official pastoral visit. 

“Evangelization is the ‘making of disciples,’” Archbishop Miller said during his homily. “It’s all about going out to bring our world to Christ,” he said.

“I am gratified by the fact that so many of you are joyfully living the mission you received in your baptism to be co-responsible for the life of your parish,” he told parishioners. “The number of volunteers in the parish is truly inspiring and is deserving of the highest praise.”

Every parish is unique. Yet, every parish – and certainly St. Stephen’s included – is a ‘family of families,’ a spiritual home that fosters a sense of community and belonging among its parishioners. You also provide so many opportunities for growth in the spiritual life through worship and the availability of the sacraments.”

The archbishop congratulated several younger parishioners receiving sacraments during his visit, one being confirmed and two receiving their First Communion. 

After listing the more than 20 ministries whose representatives he spoke with during the visit, Archbishop Miller told the congregation he had asked them to think about succession planning. “In five or 10 years, who will take your place?” he asked. 

“It is urgent, therefore, that as a parish community you listen attentively and prayerfully to what the Holy Spirit is saying,” said the archbishop. “What should you do to ensure that you can effectively proclaim Jesus Christ and his Gospel in this, the third decade of the 21st century?”

Archbishop Miller lays his hands on St. Stephen’s parishioner Brendan who was confirmed during the archbishop’s official pastoral visit to the parish. 

“What should the parishioners of St. Stephen’s Parish be doing to embrace their calling at this time?”

“Evangelization is the ‘making of disciples,’ as Jesus told us to do before he ascended into Heaven: ‘go and make disciples.’” (Mt 28:19)

According to Pope Francis, the “Church’s customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules, language and structures [must] be suitably channeled for the evangelization of today’s world rather than for her self‑preservation,” said the archbishop. 

“It’s all about going out to bring our world to Christ,” he said. 

Archbishop Miller gives a gift and a blessing to two St. Stephen’s children who received their First Communion during his pastoral visit. 

“You know the principle,” he said. “We can’t keep doing what we have always done and expect different results. Our greatest enemy, one that saps our spiritual energy and holds us back is ‘the complacent attitude that says: ‘We have always done it this way.’”

We have to accept the need to think differently, Archbishop Miller told the congregation. “Although the task of change can seem daunting, there is good reason to be hopeful that what God wants for this parish family of his will be accomplished.”

“This is a sure bet, if the faithful place their trust in the power of the Risen Lord and the Spirit he endlessly pours out upon us. He is the One who guides and drives all history, including that of St. Stephen’s Parish in this corner of his Vineyard.”

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