All eyes were on Father Gary Franken Nov. 26 when a sold-out dinner was held for him at St. Anthony’s Elementary gym, hosted by Fathers Craig Scott and John McCarthy.

(Winfred van der Sande photos)

For parishioner Michael Marwick, it’s been an emotional time preparing for his pastor’s departure. He sent us this tribute:

Back in September Father Gary Franken, fresh on the heels of the Holy Father naming him to the order of bishops, put on an altar server’s robe and assisted Father Craig Scott at Mass at St. Anthony’s. I had to capture the moment from our pew. The photo captures much of what I’ve come to know, cherish, and love in Father Gary’s priestly ministry. 

(Michael Markwick photo)

I am struck by the ways he strives to be open to the Holy Spirit, and how the Lord in turn shows in his work the fullness of his mercy and the tenderness of his love.

The announcement initially brought a moment of desolation to me, but I now find in this decision of the Holy Father a profound consolation – awe and joy in seeing how Christ is holding the Church ever closer. 

Bishop-elect Franken sort of winced when I pointed out to him that the St. Paul diocese has produced two cardinals. (See below). But, the photo shows something of his gift for being a servant of the servants of Christ. 

If I had to choose one word that could capture how Father Gary’s priestly ministry has helped me to draw closer to the Lord, it would be Ephphatha. 

Michael and Mary Markwick. (Contributed photo)

As Vicar General and as my pastor he has helped us to be open. His ministry calls us to be open to the Lord and to each other, the root of how we move from trauma to healing, reconciliation, and the over-abundant life promised to us in the Gospels.

Michael Markwick is a parishioner at St. Anthony’s, where Father Franken was pastor.

The cardinals of St. Paul

Cardinal Thomas Collins
Cardinal Edouard Gagnon, PSS

Eminence Cardinal Edouard Gagnon, PSS, ordained Aug. 15, 1940; appointed Bishop of St. Paul Feb. 19, 1969; consecrated March 25, 1969; Left St. Paul May 9, 1972. Elevated to cardinalate May 25, 1985, died Aug.25, 2007. 

Eminence Cardinal Thomas Collins, M.A., S.S.L., S.T.D., D.D. Ordained May 5, 1973; appointed Coadjutor Bishop of St. Paul on March 25, 1997, consecrated May 14, 1997; installed as Bishop of St. Paul, June 30, 1997. Appointed Coadjutor Archbishop of Edmonton February 18, 1999; installed as Archbishop of Edmonton June 7, 1999. Installed as Archbishop of Toronto on January 30, 2007. Elevated to College of Cardinals on February 18, 2012.

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