Archbishop J. Michael Miller poked fun at the loss of yet another Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Vancouver, while thanking Father Gary Franken for accepting the call to be the next Bishop of St. Paul in Alberta. 

Speaking at a farewell dinner for Father Franken at St. Patrick’s Community Centre in Vancouver Dec. 4, Archbishop Miller described his Vicar General’s “deliberative and calm” ability to deal with “the many responsibilities and heartaches” that come across his desk.  

Father Franken with longtime friends.

The archbishop also drew laughter from the hundreds in attendance when he noted the “very strong and wonderful presbyterate” of the Archdiocese of Vancouver, which is “why the Holy Father keeps taking our guys away.” 

Father Franken is the seventh priest of the Archdiocese of Vancouver to be named a bishop in the past 14 years.

Greeting well-wishers.

The archbishop offered a preview of some elements of next Monday’s rite of ordination, when “one of the most impressive things is (Father Franken) will be flat on the floor of the cathedral of St. Paul” while the Litany of the Saints is prayed. 

The bishop-elect will be “in a posture of utter dependence upon God, surrounded by the singing of the people and the invocation of the saints. It’s a wonderful kind of manifestation of his renewal of his entrustment to God and his dependence upon being lifted up and upheld by your prayer.” 

Father Franken poses with one of several comedic gifts he received as he prepares to move to northern Alberta. 

The archbishop said the chrism oil that will be poured on his head is a gesture from the Old Testament when prophets and kings and priests were anointed. Referred to as the “oil of gladness,” the chrism serves to introduce the future bishop into a new role in the life of the Church, “one that should give him and the people he serves a great joy.” 

Father Franken blesses a rosary during his farewell dinner at St. Patrick’s.

The next ritual is the Book of the Gospels being positioned over the bishop’s head, forming a small house and symbolizing “that his life is to be even more given to the proclamation of the good news, that he lives under it, and that the good news is flowing on and through him.” 

The archbishop and the bishop-elect closed the evening by giving a joint blessing of the people, but not before Father Franken offered his mentor some thanks of his own. 

In Archbishop Miller, he said, “I continue to see unwavering faithfulness to God and his Church,” noting the archbishop’s willingness to stay on in his present role when Pope Francis asked him last year to remain past the age of 75.  

That witness from the archbishop was “beautiful,” said Father Franken, noting how he has been able to watch the archbishop work and deal with various challenges.

“I don’t know what I’m getting into, but I have had a good example of how to move forward. Thank you.”

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