Mother Mariana de Jesus (1563-1635) prayed during the night of Jan. 20-21, 1610. Around 1 p.m., the archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael appeared to her, accompanied by a great number of angels. The three archangels gave her messages and strengthened her to receive the messages of Our Lady.

After the apparition of the Archangels, Mother Mariana prostrated on the ground in the form of the cross and offered humble prayer of thanksgiving. At 2 p.m., Our Lady appeared to her with the Christ Child.

Mother Mariana saw some sickly doves perched on the arm of Our Lady. They were trying to leave her arm, but the Christ Child tried to detain and divert them, caressing them and offering them the Eucharistic Bread. However, they would turn their heads aside in order not to take this Bread. Our Lady spoke to them kindly, but they paid no attention to her words. They remained with Our Lady against their will and became increasingly weak.

In the face of such disdain and after exhausting every means of winning them with charity, the Christ Child took them and threw them down into the tempestuous sea of the world, where, lacking the strength they needed to survive on the surface, they were immersed in the deep abyss. All that remained was the echo of the despairing cries of those who, for lack of vigilance, realized too late that they had lost a good that could have been fully theirs in exchange for just a little effort, suffering, and sacrifice.

Our Lady explained those sickly doves were those religious who were unfaithful to their vocation and who would live in the convent throughout the course of the centuries.

She said, “Did you see how lovingly and tenderly my Most Holy Son and I treated them? We will always assist them like this, drawing them to us and nourishing them with the Eucharistic Bread. But, alas, how ungrateful they were! They turned their backs to us. Exhausting the mercy and patience of my Most Holy Son, they abandoned themselves to the turbulent ocean of the world, where they were oppressed by sufferings and sorrows, and tormented by their uneasy consciences. Who knows how many of them will end their lives miserably and be lost?”

Our Lady predicted the great crisis of the 20th century. She said, “Thus I make it known to you that from the end of the 19th century and from shortly after the middle of the 20th century, in what is today the Colony and will then be the Republic of Ecuador, the passions will erupt and there will be a total corruption of customs, for Satan will reign almost completely by means of the Masonic sects. They will focus principally on the children in order to sustain this general corruption.”

Our Lady predicted people would neglect the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and confession. Sins of sacrileges would be committed against the Holy Eucharist. Due to the lack of Catholic spirit in Ecuador, the sacrament of anointing would also be neglected. She said, “Many people will die without receiving it – either because of the negligence of their families or a misconceived affection for their sick ones.”

Our Lady also predicted that the sacrament of matrimony would be attacked and deeply profaned. She said there would be iniquitous laws “with the aim of doing away with this sacrament, making it easy for everyone to live in sin and encouraging the procreation of illegitimate children born without the blessing of the Church.”

Regarding the sacrament of Holy Orders, Our Lady predicted: “(The devil) will labour with cruel and subtle astuteness to deviate them from the spirit of their vocation and will corrupt many of them. These depraved priests, who will scandalize the Christian people, will make the hatred of bad Catholics and the enemies of the Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church fall upon all priests.”


1610年1月20日起一連兩個晚上,瑪利娜.耶穌.陶麗詩姆姆(1563-1635) 祈禱時,約在午夜一時,彌格、佳播及來福三位大天神在眾天使陪同下,給她顯現,堅強她、及告知她聖母會給她傳遞訊息。







