On Jan. 21, 1610, at 2 a.m., Our Lady of Good Success appeared to Mother Mariana de Jesus and predicted the crisis of faith in the 20th century. Our Lady predicted the sacraments would be profaned and forgotten by many. There would be bad priests causing scandals among the Christian people.

Our Lady said, “This apparent triumph of Satan will bring enormous sufferings to the good Pastors of the Church, the many good priests, and the Supreme Pastor and Vicar of Christ on Earth, who, a prisoner in the Vatican, will shed secret and bitter tears in the presence of his God and Lord, beseeching light, sanctity, and perfection for all the clergy of the world, of whom he is King and Father.”

“Further, in these unhappy times, there will be unbridled luxury which will ensnare the rest into sin and conquer innumerable frivolous souls who will be lost. Innocence will almost no longer be found in children, nor modesty in women. In this supreme moment of need of the Church, the one who should speak will fall silent.”

Our Lady told Mother Mariana that devotion to Our Lady under the title Our Lady of Good Success would be a comfort and protection for the convent and for the faithful souls at the time of crisis.

Through Mother Mariana, Our Lady asked the Bishop of Quito to consecrate the statue of Our Lady of Good Success and to place the keys of the cloister, along with the crosier, in the right hand of the statue. Our Lady said, “Then, at that moment, I will take complete possession of this, my house, and I will be obliged to keep it safe and free from all turmoil until the end of time, demanding from my daughters a continuous spirit of charity and sacrifice.”

Our Lady explained the present difficulties of the convent were caused by the non-observant sisters. The Conceptionist Convent in Quito left the jurisdiction of the Francisan Order in 1601. Our Lady said, “The absence of the government of the Friars Minor, so indispensable, is the cause for many sufferings, and so it will be until the 20th century, after which they will again have jurisdiction over my Convent, in order to raise many souls to great perfection and sanctity. The separation of the Franciscans was not by divine will, but only by divine permission.”

Mother Mariana knew that the nuns who worked for the separation of the Franciscan Friars would suffer a long purgatory after death. Many of them would remain in purgatory until jurisdiction has returned to the Franciscan Friars. Some would suffer till the final judgment day. Those nuns bore the guilt for the relaxation of the Rule that would be introduced and would last for a long time in the convent. Our Lady said, “In all times the religious souls who violate the perfect observance of their rules should tremble!”

In the morning of Jan. 21 at around 9 a.m., the Franciscan Friar Pedro of the Conception came to visit Mother Mariana. They met at the parlour separated by a grille. During the visit, they talked about God and the beauty and goodness of Our Lady, whom they both had seen in vision. During their conversation, they both experienced the gift of ecstasy. It was revealed to Mother Mariana that Friar Pedro would die after 14 years and seven months. Mother Mariana would be there to assist at his death. And it was also revealed to Friar Pedro that Mother Mariana would die in the year 1635 in the middle of January. 

Friar Pedro told Mother Mariana: “The Queen of Heaven told me that, after my death, Your Reverence will have an advocate and protector in me and that I will be present at the hour of your death to accompany you at your entrance into heaven, where you will receive the just reward and glory for all that you have done and suffered for God throughout your long life.”







至於修院不聽服從的修女們引致眼前的困難,就是基多的無玷修院1601年脫離了方濟會的管轄權。 聖母指出脫離方濟會的管轄權是天主的許可,卻不是天主的聖意 。這情况會延續至二十世紀,此後,方濟會將重新對無玷修院的管轄權,以興起很多聖善和成全的靈魂。

瑪利娜姆姆明白,一手促成方濟會和無玷修院分拆的修女們,會在死後在煉獄很長的時間 ── 有些會在修院回歸方濟會後離開煉獄,有些會在煉獄直到終審判之日。這些修女們要為多年修院會規的鬆懈而負上責任。聖母強調:「在所有時代,違反完善遵守他們會規的修道人員,應該要感震慄!」
