Bishop D. Salvador de Ribera of Quito consecrated the statue of Our Lady of Good Success on Feb. 2, 1611. He placed the crosier and the keys of the cloisters of the Conceptionist Convent in the right hand of the statue. Through this ceremony requested by Our Lady, she took possession of the convent.

In the past 400 years, Our Lady of Good Success has been honoured in Quito, with Feb. 2 as the day of special commemoration. On Feb. 2, 1991, with the approval of the Holy See, the Archdiocese of Quito celebrated a canonical coronation of Our Lady of Good Success as Queen of Quito. The same year, the Church of the Conceptionist Convent was declared an Archdiocesan Marian Sanctuary.

After the ceremony of 1611, the nuns of the Convent experienced the motherly care of Our Lady and the community flourished with vocations. From 1610 to 1613, the nun who received private revelations from Our Lady, Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, served the community as abbess. Toward the end of her term, Mother Mariana suffered a severe fall which injured her left arm. Her patience during suffering edified both the nuns and the doctor.

In the amidst of her suffering, Mother Mariana begged Jesus to relieve her from the position of abbess so that she might dedicate herself more freely to the spiritual life and disengage herself from earthly concerns. Her prayer was answered. When it was time to elect a new abbess in 1613, Mother Ines de Zorrilla was elected. Mother Mariana happily stepped down and was content to perform the most humiliating and heavy monastic duties.

However, in 1616, Mother Mariana was again elected abbess. She admitted that the offices of superior and mistress of novices had been for her the heaviest crosses of her whole life. She felt that the novice mistress bore an even greater responsibility, for she provided for the sisters’ future and their eternal destiny.

Toward the end of the three-year term, Mother Mariana begged Our Lord and Our Lady to spare her the great cross of being abbess. Our Lord granted her request, and in place of that cross, he invited Mother Mariana to experience the cross of interior suffering for the next three years. In 1619, the nuns thought it better to let Mother Mariana rest for one three-year term so that they could elect her again in the future. Hence, they elected Mother Ines.

Mother Mariana attracted vocations to the convent. Mother Mariana had the gift of discernment. When she perceived the grace of religious vocation in young girls, she would speak to them of the sublimity of this state. To those who did not have this vocation, she would explain that in order to serve God and to save one’s soul, it is not necessary to be a religious, but rather to know the state to which God calls each creature. Mother Mariana would not accept those without vocations into the convent. Many of the young girls whom Mother Mariana turned down eventually got married and had children. Some of their daughters would later became nuns in the Conceptionist Convent.

A couple of days after the election of Mother Ines, Mother Mariana entered into interior suffering in the form of mortal sadness. In the first year, she experienced the interior suffering of Christ in the Garden of Olives. In the second year, that of Christ in the prison, and in the third, Christ stood condemned in the houses of Annas, Caiphas, Herod, and Pilate. Until her death, Mother Mariana joined spiritually year after year in his sorrowful Passion. However, Our Lord would grant her a respite from interior suffering during the season of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany. Mother Mariana contemplated the Christ Child with extraordinary devotion.




承受著傷患時,瑪利娜姆姆曾向耶穌祈准,卸下院長的職責,好讓自己能全心全意渡靈修生活,脫離世事。她的祈禱得到了應允 ── 1613年,修院選出了燕妮.索麗婭姆姆接替,瑪利娜姆姆欣喜地退下,願意謙遜地做修院內其它粗重的工作。

不過,1616年,瑪利娜姆姆再當選院長。她承認出任院長和出任初學師是她一生中最沉重的十字架 。她覺得初學師的責任更大,因為初學師塑造修女們的未來和永恒終向,責任非凡。


