Venerable Mary of Agreda (1602-1665) was born on April 2, 1602, in the village of Agreda, province of Soria, Spain. She was baptized Maria Coronel. Her parents, Francis Coronel and Catherine of Arana, had 11 children, but only four of them – two sons and two daughters – reached adulthood. Eventually the parents and all four children became religious of the Franciscan family.

Catherine experienced great joy each time she held baby Maria in her arms. Her joy was so intense when she carried the baby to church the first time that she foretold God had predestined this child for great things for his glory.

Maria experienced supernatural gifts at a very young age, but she also experienced spiritual desolation for a long time. She took the vow of chastity at the age of 8.

In 1614, when Maria reached the age of 12, she told her parents that she wanted to be a nun. They decided to place Maria at the Carmelite monastery, but God had other plans for the whole Coronel family.

One day, during prayer, Catherine heard a voice telling her that it was the will of God that the Coronel Castle be turned into a monastery and that her husband, Francis, should enter the order of St. Francis.

Their two sons were already religious in the same order.

Eventually, on Jan. 13, 1619, Catherine and her two daughters took the veil and Francis became a lay brother in the Franciscan order. On Feb. 20, 1620, Catherine and Maria took solemn vows. Maria took the religious name Sister Mary of Jesus.

Sister Mary suffered greatly due to physical illness and diabolical attacks. She was also misunderstood by the nuns of her community.

Ecstasies became frequent in the life of Sister Mary. During ecstasies, she was raised from the earth and her body became so light that the least wind would move it about like a feather. These ecstasies caused Sister Mary to be investigated. The priest who investigated her was impressed by her obedience and after testing her in many ways, he declared that she possessed true holiness. Soon all the nuns started to respect her.

Sister Mary’s rule of life was “that whatever was of obligation must be preferred to all other works which were not prescribed by the rule, and she would practise no special exercises which could divert her from the strict observance of the rule.”

Sister Mary received a rule from God regarding penance. She told her confessor: “God commanded me to avoid all things that would tarnish the pure intention of pleasing him alone; to guard against imprudence and fervour that proceeds from self-love. That anything I do would be as nothing in comparison to the debt I owe him. That I should never undertake anything of my own accord, but to obey the directions of confessors who know the rules of wisdom and prudence.”

For many years, she slept no more than two hours. She would wake up at 11 p.m. and begin the Way of the Cross, which lasted for three hours. She only took one meal a day, at six in the evening. She disciplined her body severely with instruments of penance.

In 1627, when not yet 25, Sister Mary was chosen Abbess of the Monastery. Due to her young age, dispensation from Rome was necessary. She reluctantly accepted the office and held it for the space of 35 years until her death.

Sister Mary dreaded the responsibility of Abbess and pleaded to Our Lady for help. Our Lady told her: “My most amiable daughter, be of good cheer. I, myself, will be the Mother and Superior of your monastery whom you and your subjects will obey. In all your temptations and tribulations, call upon me; ask my advice, and it shall be granted to you immediately.”


可敬品阿格蕾妲的瑪利亞. 高洛良 (1602-1665),在1602年4月2日出生在西班牙索里阿省一條叫阿格蕾坦的小村。父親方濟.高洛良,母親加大利.阿拉納,共生育了十一名子女,惜只有兩男兩女能長大成人。最後,這一家六口,全部都成了方濟會的修道成員。












