“There is purpose to your season,” writes Christian artist and podcaster Jenessa Wait. “What feels insignificant, meaningless, or really hard is actually going to become your preparation to step into something beautiful in a future season … Nothing in God’s hands is wasted.”

God sees the whole picture, writes Wait. “He sees from the beginning to the end. You can trust that what God is building inside of you is going to be beautiful, and it’s going to be powerful, and it’s going to give him all the glory.”

I think back to more than a year ago when I was adjusting to returning to work after being sick. It was a hard season of adjusting to new medications, new routines, and a new mindset: I can do hard things. 

Not long after starting back to work, I got a minor concussion and had to be off again for a few days. It  seemed so strange to be back at home recovering from a head trauma when I felt like I’d already had my share of pain and suffering being hospitalized. But “nothing in God’s hands is wasted.” 

When I returned again to work had a more ergonomic workstation and things started to feel familiar again. It’s like I’d been shaken up and placed back down into my environment to be more present and whole. I had been living mostly in a state of hypomania which is hard on the brain. Hypomania is periods of hyperactive energy and elation, and my body was tired of constantly being in high energy.

My doctor would say to me, “What comes up must come down,” and I would be wary of crashing into depression or a low mood. 

I have been blessed with a new season of health and wellbeing. I am grateful for the happiness I experience and healing too. It is a time to remember the good that the Lord gave to me in the hard times.

“Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

As soon as I was back in a routine and feeling well, I started to work on my book again. This time it moved so smoothly. I found a great editor and book coach to help me in the process. In what felt like no time at all I published my book on Amazon. God is so good – nothing is impossible! 

He gave me peers in a writing group to encourage me along and all the people I needed to help me do the work. Now I have a product of my creativity and efforts out in the world. It feels amazing to have accomplished this work. And I look forward to my next writing projects. 

What God has started in me he will see me through. Coming out of winter, I enjoy the spring so much more after the cold, dark days. The feeling of sunshine on my skin is welcome to me. I go for walks outside as often as I can to soak up vitamin D. 

On one lunch break I walked over to Van Dusen Gardens and ate my lunch on a bench surrounded by trees. I felt serene in the green surroundings. There is something special about being in nature that brings calm to my whole body. It is a reset. It never ceases to amaze me that life goes on. Nature persists. Flowers bloom again after freezing conditions. Birds sing in the branches near by and geese nap in the sun. 

The desert season of Lent is over. Christ has risen and restored my life and yours. I rejoice that even in the hard seasons there is hope for a future season of joy. 

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