The Fifth Luminous Mystery of the Holy Rosary is The Institution of the Eucharist.

St. Josemaria Escriva wrote this meditation: “When our Lord instituted the Eucharist during the Last Supper, night had already fallen. The world had fallen into darkness, for the old rites, the old signs of God’s infinite mercy to mankind, were going to be brought to fulfillment. The way was opening to a new dawn—the new Passover. The Eucharist was instituted during that night, preparing in advance for the morning of the resurrection.”

Venerable Fulton J. Sheen wrote, “Why did Our Blessed Lord use bread and wine as the elements of this Memorial? First of all, because no two substances in nature better symbolize unity than bread and wine. As bread is made from a multiplicity of grains of wheat, and wine is made from a multiplicity of grapes, so the many who believe are one in Christ. Second, no two substances in nature have to suffer more to become what they are than bread and wine. Wheat has to pass through the rigors of winter, be ground beneath the Calvary of a mill, and then subjected to purging fire before it can become bread.”

“Grapes in their turn must be subjected to the Gethsemane of a wine press and have their life crushed from them to become wine. Thus do they symbolize the Passion and Sufferings of Christ, and the condition of Salvation, for Our Lord said unless we die to ourselves we cannot live in Him. A third reason is that there are no two substances in nature which have more traditionally nourished man than bread and wine. In bringing these elements to the altar, men are equivalently bringing themselves. When bread and wine are taken or consumed, they are changed into man’s body and blood. But when He took bread and wine, He changed them into Himself.”

During the Last Supper, “one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved, was lying close to the breast of Jesus” (John 13:23). This beloved disciple, St. John the Apostle, was connected to devotion to the Sacred Heart in the history of private revelations.

Once on the feast of St. John the Apostle (December 27), Our Lord appeared with St. John to St. Gertrude (1256-1302). St. John invited Gertrude to repose on the bosom of the Lord.

Gertrude asked: “Well-beloved of the Lord, did these harmonious beatings which rejoice my soul also rejoice you when you did repose during the Last Supper on the bosom of the Savior?”

St. John answered: “Yes, I heard them, and my soul was penetrated with their sweetness even to its very center.” 

Gertrude then asked: “Why, then, has you spoken so little in your Gospel of the loving secrets of the Heart of Jesus?”

St. John explained: “My mission was to write of the Eternal Word... but the language of the blissful pulsations of the Sacred Heart is reserved for latter times, that the time-worn world, grown cold in the love of God, may be warmed up by hearing of such mysteries.”

Four centuries later, on the same Feast of St. John the Apostle in 1673, Our Lord appeared to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-1690), and revealed to her His Sacred Heart. Our Lord made her repose for a long time upon His Sacred Breast. He said, “My Divine Heart is so inflamed with love for men, and for you in particular that, being unable any longer to contain within Itself the flames of Its burning Charity, It must needs spread them abroad by your means, and manifest Itself to them in order to enrich them with the precious graces of sanctification and salvation necessary to withdraw them from the abyss of perdition. I have chosen you as an abyss of unworthiness and ignorance for the accomplishment of this great design, in order that everything may be done by Me.”

“Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.” (John 13:1)

Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!




可敬Fulton J. Sheen寫道:『為什麼我們至聖的主人以餅和酒作這紀念的元素呢?首先,在自然界中沒有任何物質比酒和餅更好地象徵合一。餅是由多樣的谷麥而酒卻由多樣的葡萄做成,所以很多不同的信徒都在基督內合一。其次,沒有其他兩種物質,本性上要承受更多的痛苦去變成餅和酒。麥要經過嚴冬,要在像加爾瓦略山般的磨子下,經過火煉才可成為餅。葡萄也要經過像革責尼山園般的酒壓生命被碾被壓而成為酒。由此,它們象徵基督苦難和救贖的條件,因為我主說,除非我們死於自己,我們不能在祂內生活。第三個原因是,在自然裡沒有任何事物比餅和酒,更能在傳統上滋養人類。把這兩元素端上祭台上就等如把人類自己奉到祭台上。在我們吃餅和喝酒,它會轉變成我們的體和血。但當祂拿起餅和喝酒,祂把它們轉變祂自己。』

在最後晚餐的時候,『他門徒中有一個是耶穌所愛的, 他那時斜倚在耶穌的懷裏』(若望13:23)。這愛徒,聖若望宗徒,在他私人啓示的歷史中聯系著向耶穌聖心的敬禮。








『在逾越節慶日前,耶穌知道他離此世歸父的時辰已到, 他既然愛了世上屬於自己的人,就愛他們到底。』(若望13:1)
