The First Glorious Mystery of the Holy Rosary is the Resurrection. St. John Paul II said, “The gospels do not tell us of the appearance of the risen Christ to Mary. Nevertheless, since she was so specially close to the Cross of her Son, she must also have had a privileged experience of his Resurrection.”

 St. Maximus the Confessor wrote, “The other women saw the stone rolled away and the angel sitting on it; but when and how this took place, they did not know this at all. Only the immaculate Mother of the Lord standing there knew everything. And because of this, she received the good news of the Resurrection before everyone else, and before everyone else she became worthy of the longed for height of every good thing and divinely beautiful vision of her Lord and son.”

Dr. Pius Parsch wrote that there is a threefold resurrection on Easter Sunday: “a symbolic one in nature, an historical one in Palestine, a spiritual one in the Church and in individual souls.”

Regarding the symbolic resurrection in nature, Parsch wrote, “Spring with its transformation of hill and meadow is, accordingly, a great symbol of an event in sacred history and of an event now taking place within the Church. Springtime is nature executing her Easter liturgy.”

Parsch pointed out that in the mind of the Church Easter is the feast of Christ’s full triumph. He wrote, “The early Christians kept but one feast, Easter. And they were right in doing so, for the Easter solemnity embraces all the events in the life of Christ.”

Regarding the spiritual resurrection, Parsch wrote, “Just as spring produces new life in the realm of nature, Easter effects spiritual renewal in the Church. Easter is our common birthday as children of God.”

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “The Paschal mystery has two aspects: by his death, Christ liberates us from sin; by his Resurrection, he opens for us the way to a new life. This new life is above all justification that reinstates us in God’s grace, ‘so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life’ Justification consists in both victory over the death caused by sin and a new participation in grace.”

Parsch point out that “Easter is the greatest feast in the Church’s calendar. It is the feast from which all others stem, every Sunday is Easter in miniature.” Holy Mother Church sanctifies each Sunday with the celebration of Holy Mass. 

St. Bede said, “The women came early in the morning to the sepulchre, from this we have an example given to us, that having cast away the darkness of our vices, we should come to the Body of the Lord. For that sepulchre also bore the figure of the altar of the Lord, where is contained mystery of Christ’s Body, not in silk or purple cloth, but in pure white linen. The spices which the women bring signify the odour of virtue and the sweetness of prayers by which we ought to approach the Altar. Angels are said to have stood by, so also at the time of consecration they are believed to stand by the mysteries of Christ. Let us then, whenever we approach the heavenly mysteries, after the example of the devout women, because of the presence of the Angels, or from reverence to the Sacred Offering, with all humility, bow our faces to the earth, recollecting that we are but dust and ashes.”

In the evening of Easter Sunday, two disciples recognized Jesus in the breaking of bread. St. Gregory the Great said, “The disciples set the table, they offer food, and God, whom they did not recognize in the explanation of Holy Scripture, they recognize in the breaking of bread. It is not by hearing the commandments of God that they have been enlightened, but by putting them into practice. Thus, whoever wants to understand what he has heard must hasten to accomplish with his works the part he has already managed to understand.”




Pius Parsch博士寫道,復活主日有三重的意義:『 大自然上這是一個標記,在巴勒斯坦這是個史實,在教會和個別的靈魂中這是靈性的。』




天主教教理說:『逾越奧跡有兩個層面:基督藉死亡救我們脫離罪惡,藉祂的復活使我們獲得新生。這新生首先是那使我們重新獲得天主恩寵的成義。「因為基督怎樣藉著父的光榮,從死者中復活了,我們也怎樣在新生活中度生」 (羅 6:4)。成義在乎戰勝罪惡的死亡及重新享有聖寵。』


