The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “Justice is the moral virtue that consists in the constant and firm will to give their due to God and neighbour.”

Pope Francis pointed out that justice is a virtue for the good coexistence of people. According to the Catechism, “Justice toward men disposes one to respect the rights of each and to establish in human relationships the harmony that promotes equity with regard to persons and to the common good. The just man, often mentioned in the Sacred Scriptures, is distinguished by habitual right thinking and the uprightness of his conduct toward his neighbour.”

The Holy Father described the characteristics of a righteous person: “The righteous person is upright, simple and straightforward. He does not wear masks, he presents himself for what he is and he speaks the truth.”

The righteous person “reveres laws and respects them, knowing that they constitute a barrier protecting the defenceless from the tyranny of the powerful,” said the Pope.

“The righteous person does not only think of his own individual well-being, but desires the good of society as a whole,” keeping watch over his own behaviour, so it is not harmful to others.

If he makes a mistake, he apologizes, sometimes going so far as to sacrifice personally for the community.

“He desires an orderly society, where people give lustre to the office they hold, and not the office that gives lustre to people.

He rejects special treatment and trading in favours, welcomes responsibility “and is exemplary in promoting legality.”

The righteous person “shuns harmful behaviour such as slander, perjury, fraud, usury, mockery, and dishonesty,” keeps his word, returns what he has borrowed, pay a fair wage, doesn’t make reckless judgments of his neighbours, “and defends the reputation and good name of others.”

Sins opposed to justice can be committed by deeds or by words. The most serious sin against commutative justice is the murder of another person, but other deeds against justice are inflicting bodily harm, theft, robbery and fraud. Sins against justice by words include insulting and injuring the good name of another (gossip and slander).

St. Ambrose said, “The rule of justice is plain: namely, that a good man ought not to swerve from the truth, nor inflict any unjust loss on anyone, nor act in any way deceitfully or fraudulently”

Religion and piety are related to justice: though we can never fully repay God, our parents, and our country, we repay them as much as possible by exercising the virtues of religion and piety.

The Catechism states: “Justice toward God is called the ‘virtue of religion.’” Regarding the First Commandment Father John Hardon wrote, “Positively, it prescribes the practise of the virtue of religion, and negatively, it forbids all sins that are contrary to religion.”

Religion opens God’s commandments to the human race and is “the moral virtue by which we are disposed to render to God the worship he deserves,” writes Father Hardon.

“Religion is often described as a composite of all the virtues that arise from our relationship to God as the author of our being, even as love is a cluster of all the virtues arising from our response to God as the destiny of our being.”

Religion and love are both “part of God’s demand on us and … part of his imperative will: religion because he is the alpha of our existence, and love because he is the omega for whom we exist and in whom alone our hearts can find rest.”

All the good things we have come from God. However, God usually gives us his gifts through other human beings. We are debtors to our benefactors, and the virtue of piety inclines us to render to parents and country the reverence and service that are their rights as the sources of life, education, and governance.

As we read in 1 Timothy 5:4, “Let them first learn to show godliness to their own household and to make some return to their parents, for this is pleasing in the sight of God.”

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天主教教理指出:「對天主,義德又稱為『虔敬的德行』。」關於第一條誡命,John Hardon神父寫道:「正面來說,是要求實踐虔敬的德行;相反是禁止一切與宗教相悖的罪行。那麼,虔敬的德行怎樣開啟天主十誡給人類呢?這是一種倫理德行,讓我們能夠將對天主的敬拜歸還給祂 … 宗教常被描述為所有與天主的關係中產生的德行的綜合體,甚至愛是被視為回應天主而生的種種德行,是我們生命的歸宿。宗教和愛都是天主對我們的要求,兩者都是祂至重要的旨意的一部分:宗教方面是因為天主是我們存在的原始,而愛方面是因為天主是我們為之存在的終結,只有在祂內,我們的心靈才能找到安息。」



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