The first person we need to be patient with is oneself. St. Francis de Sales never tired of advising the use of patience with oneself. He frequently said that “patience is the virtue which tends most of any to perfection; and if we need it with others, we need it equally with ourselves. Those who aim at the love of God need patience with themselves even more than with others.”

St. Francis de Sales was opposed to hurry and overeagerness. Even after sinning, we should rise up quietly, gently and calmly. He said, “When we fall from some sudden outburst of self-love, or of passion, let us as soon as possible humble ourselves before God, saying with confidence, ‘O Lord, mend the broken net of love, and go on with our work.’ When we discover that our lute is out of tune, we must neither break the strings nor throw the instrument aside. Rather we must listen attentively to find out what is the cause of the discord, and then gently tighten or slacken the strings, according as the mischief requires.”

The saint added: “It is quite true that we ought to judge ourselves with firmness. But just as a judge who gives a hasty sentence or lets himself be swayed by passion, runs the risk of committing an injustice, which would not happen if he gave time to reason; so if we would judge ourselves fairly, it must be with a gentle, peaceful mind, never in a fit of anger, nor when so upset as hardly to know what we are doing.”

Regarding patience toward others, Bishop Jean Pierre Camus wrote: “Francois believed that when we are talking with others we should try to please them and show that their conversation is agreeable to us. And when we are alone we should take pleasure in solitude. Unfortunately, however, our minds are so inconsistent that we are often looking behind us like Lot’s wife. In company we sigh for solitude, and in solitude we long for conversation. The wise and reasonable thing is to enjoy recreation in due season, and also enjoy study, prayer, silence and work at their appointed times.”

St. Francis de Sales used to say that cannon balls are deadened by sacks of wool, though they destroy all the hard things they hit. A soft answer turns away wrath, as water puts out fire.

Bishop Camus wrote, “The patient people are those who easily adjust themselves to the will of others, and as a result others more easily submit to their will.”

St. Francis de Sales was opposed to the attempt to do several things at once. He said, “Be not of those who think perfection consists in undertaking many things, but of those who place it in doing well what little they do, for it is much better to do little and do it well, than to undertake much and do it ill.”

This saint passed many hours patiently with poor people who occupied him about things of seemingly little account. When it was said to him that it was not well for him to lose so much time on trifles, he answered: “Their little troubles are very great to them and they are very much in need of help. God knows that I am not cut out for greater works. All chores are alike to me as long as they are performed in God’s service. And while I am preoccupied with little things, I am not required to do greater things. What is a greater undertaking at any time than God’s will? Surely the little things become great when they are performed with a true desire to please God. For He measures our service, not by its own merits, but by the love with which it is accomplished.”

Bishop Camus wrote, “The whole life of a true Christian is one long period of patient suffering. The world is simply a vast quarry where the living stones of heavenly Jerusalem are cut and shaped.”




聖人補充說:『我們應該嚴謹地去評審自己是十分真確的。就如一位法官,如果他倉促判案或讓自己按情緒而左右搖擺,就可能會犯下不公平的過失!若他能多花時間去問理,這不公便不會發生。所以,如果我們公平地審判自己,它應是平緩的,理智平和的,永不要在憤怒中或在氣憤中,因為這時我們不會知道自己做的是什麼。 』




