Francisco and Jacinta Marto were canonized together on May 13 this year. Francisco's spirituality focused on consoling Jesus and Mary, whereas Jacinta was concerned about converting sinners.

The vision of hell she experienced on July 13, 1917, left a deep impression on Jacinta. Sometimes she thought about the vision and exclaimed: "Hell! Hell! How sorry I am for the souls that are going to hell! And people burn there alive, like wood in fire!"

Jacinta prayed a great deal for sinners. Sometimes she said to her brother, "Francisco, Francisco, are you praying with me? We need to pray a great deal to save souls from hell. So many are going there! So many!"

Sometimes, Jacinta would hug Lucia and say, "I am going to heaven, but you have to stay here. If our Lady lets you, tell everybody what hell is like, so that they can escape it by not committing sins."

Jacinta would fast for sinners. Lucia said, "Jacinta, come on, eat now." Jacinta replied, "No. I am offering this sacrifice for sinners who eat too much."

When she was sick, Jacinta forced herself to go to Mass. Lucia said, "Jacinta, don't. You aren't able. And it's not Sunday today." Jacinta replied, "It doesn't matter. I will go for sinners who don't go even on Sundays."

Hearing loud cursing, Jacinta would cover her face with her hands and say, "Oh my God, these people don't realize this kind of talk might send them to hell! Forgive them, Jesus, and convert them. They certainly don't know they are offending God. Oh, what a pity, Jesus! I will pray for them!"  

The children often fasted from water for the conversion of sinners. Jacinta would say, "For sure, our Lord is glad with our sacrifices because I am very, very thirsty, but I do not want to drink. I want to suffer for His love."

Sometimes when people came to question the Fatima seers, Lucia and Francisco would hide themselves, but Jacinta would remain. She said, "I won't hide myself. I am going to offer this sacrifice to our Lord."

After the people went away, Lucia asked Jacinta, "What did you reply when they asked you if you knew where we were?" Jacinta replied, "I didn't say anything. I bowed my head, fixed my eyes on the ground and said nothing. I always do this when I don't want to tell the truth. I don't want to lie, either, because it is a sin."

Jacinta had a great love and devotion for the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Sometimes Jacinta said to Lucia, "That Lady said that her Immaculate Heart was your refuge and the road which will lead you to God. Aren't you thrilled! Her heart is so good and I love it!"

On July 13, 1917, Our Lady mentioned Communion of reparation on first Saturdays. Jacinta was too young to receive Communion in church. She said, "I am so sorry not to be able to go to Holy Communion in reparation for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary!"

Jacinta's favorite ejaculatory prayer was, "Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation." Sometimes, Jacinta picked flowers in the fields and sung to herself a tune she had just made up:  "Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation! Immaculate Heart of Mary, convert sinners, save souls from hell!"

On July 13, 1917, Our Lady predicted another, worse war (World War II) would begin in the reign of Pope Pius XI. When Lucia saw Jacinta deep in thought, she asked, "Jacinta, of what are you thinking?" Jacinta answered, "Of that war which is coming, of the many people who are going to die and go to hell. What a shame! If they would stop offending God, neither the war would come nor would they go to hell!" 


方濟及雅先達. 瑪圖同時於本年五月十三日被教宗宣聖。方濟的靈修集中安慰耶穌和瑪利亞;雅仙達關心罪人的皈化。








