St. Gertrude the Great (1256- 1301) had great devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. One day, Jesus said to Gertrude: “It would be good to make known to men and women how they would benefit from remembering that I, the Son of God and of the Blessed Virgin Mary, always stand before God for the salvation of the human race, and that should they commit some sin through their weakness. I offer my unblemished Heart to the Father for them”.

One night, Gertrude was suffering greatly from a fever. Jesus appeared to her, carrying health in his right hand and sickness in his left, offering her both that she might choose that which she preferred.

Gertrude leaned toward the Heart of Christ and answered: “Lord, I choose nothing, I desire only the good pleasure of your Heart.” Then Jesus, causing a fountain, as it were, of grace to spring from his Heart, made it flow into that of Gertrude, saying: “Since you renounced your own will to abandon it entirely unto mine, I pour into you all the sweetness and all the joy of my divine Heart.”

Gertrude encouraged others to pray to the Sacred Heart for graces. Jesus told her: “They may draw forth all they need from my divine Heart.”

Gertrude composed beautiful prayers. Here is a prayer in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus:

“Sanctity of the Heart of Jesus, consecrate my heart; providence of the Heart of Jesus, watch over my heart; unchangeableness of the Heart of Jesus, strengthen my heart; purity of the Heart of Jesus, purify my heart; obedience of the Heart of Jesus, subjugate my heart; amiability of the Heart of Jesus, make Thyself known to my heart; divine attractions of the Heart of Jesus, captivate my heart; riches of the Heart of Jesus, do ye suffice for my heart; floods of grace and blessing that flow from the Heart of Jesus, inundate my heart. O Heart of Jesus! be Thou my joy, my peace, my repose in this world and in the next. O Heart of Jesus! adored in heaven, invoked on earth, feared in hell, reign over all hearts, reign throughout all ages, reign forever in celestial glory. Amen.”

Gertrude had great love and compassion for the souls in purgatory. Our Lord told her: “I accept with highest pleasure what is offered to me for the poor souls, for I long inexpressibly to have near me those for whom I paid so great a price. By the prayers of thy loving soul, I am induced to free a prisoner from purgatory as often as thou dost move thy tongue to utter a word of prayer.”

Gertrude was said to be given the following prayer: “Eternal Father, I offer You the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus Christ, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, those in the Universal Church, in my home, and in my family.”

In 1298 her health deteriorated. She lovingly offered all of her sufferings in union with Christ’s sufferings for the salvation of souls. She died on Nov. 17, 1301.



聖大日多達 (1256-1301) 熱心敬禮耶穌聖心。有一天,耶穌告訴她要讓世人知道和緊記,衪、作為天主子和至童貞瑪利亞的親子,為了軟弱罪人的得救,常站在天主前。若是他們因軟弱而犯罪,衪會在天父面前,奉獻衪無瑕的聖心。




日多達亦愛和關顧煉獄的靈魂。吾主對她說:「我以最大的喜樂接受為可憐的煉靈所獻給我的;我難以言喻地期待他們來接近我── 我為他們,付出了很大的代價。因你的善靈的祈禱,促使我每當你動舌道字祈禱時使釋放一個在煉獄中的囚犯。」

聞說吾主教授了日多達以下的經文:「永生之父,為在煉獄中的聖靈魂,也為了世界各處的罪人、在公教教會中、在我的家居中,和在我的家庭中的罪人 ── 我把祢聖子的至聖寶血,連同今天在普世所舉行的彌撒奉獻給祢。」
