St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother, who died in 1862, appeared to St. Gemma. One day he said, “Gemma, take of your own freewill a vow to become a religious, but add nothing further.” The saint called her “my sister” and gave her the sign of the Passion which Passionists wear upon their habits. Gemma took the vow the next morning. 

At the end of January of 1899, Gemma was so weak and sick that doctors decided nothing could be done for her except to wait for death. On Feb. 2, Gemma received Viaticum. She recalled: “I went to confession, and then waited for the moment when I should be united with Jesus. But how slow it was! The doctors, believing that I could no longer hear, said among themselves that I could not survive midnight.”

But the doctors were wrong, and on Feb. 19 her confessor suggested she make a novena to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. Out of obedience to her confessor, Gemma began the novena, but she forgot all about it the next day, and then began over again, only to forget it in the same way. She began the novena for the third time on Feb. 23.

On that day, St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother appeared to her and prayed with her. He asked, “Do you wish to be cured?” Gemma replied, “It is all the same to me.” St. Gabriel continued, “Yes, you will be cured. Pray with faith to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Every evening until the end of the novena I shall come and we shall pray together to the Sacred Heart.” Gemma asked, “And what about Blessed Margaret Mary?” St. Gabriel said, “Add the Glory be to the Father three times in her honour.”

The novena ended on the first Friday of March. Christ cured Gemma after she received Holy Communion. Gemma’s miraculous cure was soon known throughout Lucca, and for a while everyone was talking about it. For many years she was known as “the little girl who received the heavenly favour.” 

Six days after her cure Gemma wrote to a relative: “Let whoever read these lines know that I have been granted the cure of my soul and body, not through my own merits, but through the prayers of so many good people who have had pity on me. I could not have obtained anything ...”

After her miraculous cure, Gemma considered that her life was not her own, but belonged to God. She desired to consecrate herself to God in the religious state.

Since St. Margaret Mary Alacoque was a Visitation nun, Gemma wanted to follow her footsteps. On May 1, Gemma entered the Visitation Convent. The nuns treated her with great kindness. However, Gemma was not altogether satisfied. She felt that the life of the Visitation nuns was not for her. She had need of a more austere mode of life.

Nevertheless, Gemma requested the nuns approach Archbishop Ghilardi for permission to formally accept her, for her desire to leave the world was very strong. However, the Archbishop hesitated because of her delicate health. He allowed her to stay in the convent until May 21 in order to be present at the profession of several novices.

Gemma left the convent on May 21. She wrote, “Weeping I asked the blessing of the Mother Superior and said good-bye to the nuns. My God, what sorrow.”

In order for Gemma to be admitted to the religious life, four doctors had to certify her to be in perfect health. But the reality was that it was due to the instigation and suggestion of the doctor that the confessor of the convent strongly opposed Gemma’s entrance. The doctor said her mother had died of tuberculosis.


有一天,聖痛苦聖母佳播給吉瑪.金錦妮顯現,說:「吉瑪,你自發地發要成為修女的誓願吧,但不要加其它的東西。」聖佳播稱吉瑪為「我的妹妹」並給她基督苦難的標誌 ── 那是苦難會會士們佩帶在會衣上的。翌日早上,吉瑪私下發了要成為修女的誓志。



聖痛苦聖母佳播顯現,和吉瑪一起祈禱。他問吉瑪:「你願意痊癒嗎?」吉瑪答說:「為我來說,痊癒與否都是一樣。」聖佳播說:「是,你會痊癒的。以信德向耶穌聖心祈禱吧。每天黃昏直到九日敬禮結束我會來,而我們會一同向耶穌聖心祈求。」吉瑪問:「那真福瑪加利大又怎樣 ?」痛苦聖母佳播道:「為恭敬真福瑪加利大,加唸三遍聖三光榮經。」





