As a little girl, St. Therese the Little Flower had a great love for pictures and books. She was not good at games, and she preferred to spend time in reading. However, she was only allowed a limited time for this favourite recreation, and it became an occasion of much self-sacrifice. As soon as the permitted time had elapsed Therese made it her duty to stop instantly, even in the middle of a most interesting passage.

More precious than knowledge from books was her spiritual insight to understand that “the only true glory is that which lasts forever; and that to attain it, there is no necessity to do brilliant deeds, but rather to hide from the eyes of others, and even from oneself, so that ‘the left hand knows not what the right hand does.’”

The year after her illness, Marie helped her younger sister, Therese, to prepare for First Communion. Therese was very happy on her First Communion day and shed tears of happiness. She recalled: “How sweet was the first embrace of Jesus! It was indeed an embrace of love. I felt that I was loved, and I said: 'I love thee, and I give myself to thee forever.’

During the afternoon of First Communion day, Therese read the act of consecration to Our Lady, for herself and her companions. She was chosen probably because she had been deprived of her earthly mother while still so young.

Therese longed for Jesus in Holy Communion. She wrote, “The pretty clothes and the presents I had received could not satisfy me. Henceforth Our Lord alone could fill my heart, and all I longed for was the blissful moment when I should receive him again.”

Though young in age, Therese already had the desire to suffer for God and to love God only. She desired to find joy in God alone.

Therese experienced the unreliableness of human affection.  While at school, she chose as friends two little girls of her own age. Therese recalled: “One of them had to stay at home for some months; while she was away I thought about her very often, and on her return I showed how pleased I was. However, all I got was a glance of indifference – my friendship was not appreciated. I felt this very keenly, and I no longer sought an affection which had proved so inconstant. Nevertheless I still love my little school friend, and continue to pray for her, for God has given me a faithful heart, and when once I love, I love forever.”

Therese was touchy and suffered from scruples in her early teens, finding peace in confiding her scruples to her sister Marie. Her scruples made her so ill that Therese was obliged to leave school when she was 13. Her father took her several times a week to tutor. Scrupulosity was a great spiritual and mental trial for Therese which lasted for about two years.

When Marie decided to enter the Carmelite convent, Therese resolved to take no further pleasure in anything here below. After Marie entered the Carmel and Therese no longer had someone to listen to her scruples, she turned toward heaven and confided her scruples to her four siblings who had died in baptismal innocence.

She wrote, “I thought that these innocent souls, who had never known sorrow or fear, ought to have pity on their poor little suffering sister … The answer was not long in coming; soon my soul was flooded with the sweetest peace. I knew that I was loved, not only on earth but also in heaven.”










姐姐瑪莉終於進入修院當加爾默羅修女,小德蘭再沒有傾訴的對象,卻使她把一切轉向天上,尋找來自天上的信賴和安慰。她轉向夭折的哥哥姐姐們祈求;她寫道:「我想到那些純潔的靈魂,他們沒經歷憂苦恐懼,倒希望他們會可憐我這個受著苦痛的小妹妹 …。答允很快便來了;我的靈魂不久被甘飴的平安充斥著,我知道我被寵著 ── 不止來自地上,亦來自天上。」