St. John Eudes (1601-1680) was a forerunner of devotion to both to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He was born at Ri, Normandy, France, on Nov. 14, 1601.

John studied at the Jesuit College in Caen. He joined the Oratory of St. Philip Neri and was ordained a priest in 1625. The governing theme of his meditation, his preaching, and his writings was the importance of the redemptive Incarnation of the Son of God, through the intermediary of his Immaculate Mother.

Father Eudes volunteered to care for the victims of the plagues that struck Normandy in 1625 and 1631. He then spent the next decade giving missions and became most effective in the pulpit and the confessional. He would say, “The preacher beats the bushes, but the confessor catches the birds.”

From 1638 to 1642, Father Eudes preached missions in the dioceses of Bayeux and Lisieux. The fruits of these missions were rich and long-lived. Father Eudes was a follower of Saint Vincent de Paul in his ardent desire to evangelize the poor. The missions lasted for several weeks. Otherwise, said Father Eudes, we put a bandage on the wound, but do not heal it.

Processions, hymns, little religious plays, special conferences for specific groups, organization of leagues against duels and blasphemy, and visits to the sick occupied the missionary's very full days. It is estimated that during his lifetime Father Eudes preached more than 100 missions.

The missions obtained the conversion of many women of ill repute. A woman of Caen, Madeleine Lamy, urged Father Eudes to provide these women with the support and direction they lacked. On Nov. 25, 1641, he gathered them in a house in which was first installed a little statue of the Blessed Virgin to ensure these women the maternal protection of the Mother of God.

In 1644, Father Eudes arranged for Sisters of the Visitation to take charge of the house, called Our Lady of Charity. The Order of Our Lady of Charity would be erected by Pope Alexander VII on Jan. 2, 1666.

Keeping the flame being lit by the missions required holy and zealous priests. Father Eudes saw the great need to form priests through seminaries. In 1643, Father Eudes left the Oratory and established a group of priests destined to occupy posts in the new seminaries of France. The Congregation of Jesus and Mary was founded on March 25, 1643. By 1658, Father Eudes had founded four seminaries in Normandy – at Caen, Coutances, Lisieux and Rouen.

Father Eudes had great devotion to the Heart of Jesus. The first celebration of the feast of the Heart of Jesus took place under Father Eudes' direction in the seminary chapel at Rennes. He composed the office and Mass texts for the feast. In 1673, one year after the first public solemn celebration of the Feast of the Sacred Heart by John Eudes, Saint Margaret Mary would be favoured by her first revelation of the Heart of Jesus, in her cloister in Paray-le-Monial.

Father Eudes celebrated the feast of the Heart of Mary in 1643. He also established the Society of the Heart of the Mother Most Admirable for both priests and lay faithful.

In his last days, Father Eudes was often heard saying or murmuring, “My Jesus and my all! My Beloved is mine! Come, o my lovable Jesus!” He died on Aug. 19, 1680, at about 3 p.m. He was canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1925.


聖若望.歐德 (1601-1680) 是推動敬禮耶穌聖心及聖母無玷聖心的先驅。1601年11月14日,他出生於法國諾曼第的列城。







 歐德神父於1643 年慶祝聖母聖心的瞻禮。他也為司鐸和平信徒創立「可奇之母聖心善會」。
