On June 18 the Archdiocese of Vancouver is celebrating Pro-life Sunday. Each year we set aside this day to reflect on the sanctity of human life from its beginning at conception to its natural end. The Church calls us to pray for the end to abortion and euthanasia, here in Canada and across the world, and to witness courageously to the value of life.

In the Archdiocese of Vancouver, there are many opportunities to pray and witness to life, including monthly Pro-Life Mass and Prayer Vigils, the 40 Days for Life campaign, Life Chain, the Archbishop’s Mass for Life, the March for Life, and offering the Prayer for Reverence for Life. 

Our local Church is blessed to have many organizations across the Lower Mainland which provide practical means for helping women with an unwanted pregnancy. Birthright, crisis pregnancy centres, and local pro-life societies provide support, counselling, and essential supplies to women in this situation. For women who have had abortions, healing retreats and personal counselling are also available. 

To meet the challenges raised by legalized euthanasia, there are programs that train individuals to visit and accompany those who are lonely when facing death and are contemplating ending their life as a solution to their difficulties. In every case, we must show them Christian love, offer them tangible support, and uphold their true personal dignity.

I ask that you generously support the Pro-life Sunday collection so that these groups and organizations can continue helping those who find themselves in crisis situations. Thank you for making a real difference in defending human life in our communities.

With my blessing and the assurance of my prayers for you and your families, I remain

Sincerely yours in Christ 

J. Michael Miller, CSB
Archbishop of Vancouver

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